On 13/05/14 16:27, Justin Richer wrote:

You’re right in that the MAC draft is effectively abandoned now as the
WG has moved on to other signed-token mechanisms. As part of that
effort, I’ve put together a JWS-based HTTP request signature mechanism
(referenced in Hannes’s presentation):


+1 to building a JWS-based solution.

IMHO though it is unfortunate that a MAC solution which can make better bearer tokens is not looked at right now and thus it is unavoidable that people will come up with several new approaches 'fragmenting' the MAC space.

We actually implemented a HAWK scheme as part of the OAuth2 framework, it works, very simple, the session key is expected to be exchanged via a 2-way TLS as part of the grant to token exchange.

I hope OAuth2 will have its own MAC solution ready too, leading to the better interoperability in the OAuth2 space

Cheers, Sergey

This differs from the AWS spec (submitted as an HTTP Auth WG Draft, as I
understand it:
http://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-cavage-http-signatures-02.html) in that
it uses JWS as the signing mechanism (without a custom HTTP header
format). There’s still a fair amount of work that needs to be done in
order to get it in shape, but I think that these different methods can
definitely inform each other.

  — Justin

On May 13, 2014, at 2:34 AM, Blair Strang <blair.str...@covata.com
<mailto:blair.str...@covata.com>> wrote:

Hi Hannnes,

Yes, so in terms of well-defined specs for HTTP request signing, there
is basically AWS, OAuth 1.0a HMAC, and the OAuth 2.0 draft HMAC stuff
which is looking a bit abandoned.

The v2 and v4 signing processes for AWS are documented here.
[1] http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/signature-version-2.html
[2] http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/signature-version-4.html

Looking at the slides you sent, my colleague Scott and I have been
working on something running along the same lines. This has largely
been for internal use, but we have had our eye on a design with
general utility.

So far we have been working to clearly define *only* how HTTP requests
can be authenticated using a JWT/JWS, independent of the issues of key
distribution and sessions (an OAuth2 extension is one option for
sessions / key agreement, but there are obviously other ways).

We actually have a spec and proof of concept in progress for JWS based
request signing. We do need some time to clean up the spec for public
consumption, but would you be interested in seeing that?



---- Long form details below here -----

Our view is that request authentication (mac/signature) and the
session (or key agreement) mechanisms needed to support it are largely

We have been working to specify a mechanism for authenticating HTTP
requests using JWT/JWS. (The tokens look just like JWTs, but it is
better to specify on top of JWS).

Our approach was that the client computes a "signature base string" or
"string to sign" in a fashion very similar to AWS v2, while adding
header signing similar to that in AWS v4. This fixes a gap in the
OAuth 1.0a HMAC token spec.

The client then embeds a digest of the "signature base string" in a
JWS signed by the client, along with several other required fields
(e.g. a field identifying the requestor, optional key id, expiry, list
of signed http headers, ...) to authenticate the request.

The nice thing about embedding the request digest in a JWT/JWS signed
payload is that you get all the flexibility of JWS in terms of

Also, the implementation also comes out very nice, since you need just
string processing of the request to get a canonical version plus a
digest operation - and the "hard crypto stuff" can be handled by a JWS

However, there are some constraints in terms of practicality using the
JWS standard (not insurmountable, but there):

1. RSA - A client with a private key can easily RSA-sign HTTP
requests, but the Authorization: header will be several hundred bytes
long due to the size of the RSA signature. Speed is high, but so is
bandwidth required.

2. ECDSA - ECDSA produces much smaller payloads (few hundred bytes)
but requires much more processing effort (order of milliseconds).

3. HMAC - A shared HMAC key will be the most efficient in terms of
speed & storage, but requires additional session establishment dance
which is slightly less elegant than a client using a private key directly.

Request authorisation using a private key directly works well for
server-to-server or "big client" to server, but not so well for mobile
with power and bandwidth constraints. In this case, the approach we
are taking for a client to bootstrap from possession of a private key
is to send an RSA signed request to establish a shared HMAC key, then
use HMAC signed requests.

Thanks & regards,


Blair Strang | Senior Security Engineer
Covata | Own Your Data
covata.com <http://covata.com/>

Level 4 156 Clarence Street | Sydney NSW 2000
© 2014 CDHL parent company for all Covata entities

On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 4:02 AM, Hannes Tschofenig
<hannes.tschofe...@gmx.net <mailto:hannes.tschofe...@gmx.net>> wrote:

    Hi Phil,
    Hi Blair,

    this is a good point. I also don't see a reason why the HTTP protocol
    version should be included in the keyed message digest (from a
    point of view).

    It might, however, be worthwhile to point out that we are exploring
    different solution directions, as described in this slide deck

    For this reason it might be interesting to know what AWS
    implements. Do
    you guys have a reference?


    On 05/09/2014 05:47 AM, Phil Hunt wrote:
    > Fyi
    > Phil
    > Begin forwarded message:
    >> *From:* Blair Strang <blair.str...@covata.com
    >> <mailto:blair.str...@covata.com <mailto:blair.str...@covata.com>>>
    >> *Date:* May 8, 2014 at 18:47:58 PDT
    >> *Resent-To:* hannes.tschofe...@gmx.net
    >> <mailto:hannes.tschofe...@gmx.net
    <mailto:hannes.tschofe...@gmx.net>>, jric...@mitre.org
    >> <mailto:jric...@mitre.org <mailto:jric...@mitre.org>>,
    phil.h...@yahoo.com <mailto:phil.h...@yahoo.com>
    >> <mailto:phil.h...@yahoo.com <mailto:phil.h...@yahoo.com>>,
    wmi...@yahoo-inc.com <mailto:wmi...@yahoo-inc.com>
    >> <mailto:wmi...@yahoo-inc.com <mailto:wmi...@yahoo-inc.com>>
    >> *To:* draft-ietf-oauth-v2-http-...@tools.ietf.org
    >> <mailto:draft-ietf-oauth-v2-http-...@tools.ietf.org
    >> *Subject:* *HTTP protocol version in MAC signatures*
    >> Hi,
    >> [Not sure if this is the right address to submit this feedback to]
    >> Looking
    >> over http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-http-mac-05
    section 5.2.
    >> "MAC Input String", it seems that the HTTP request line is used
    >> verbatim during the construction of MAC tokens.
    >> Since this includes the transport (HTTP/1.1 versus say HTTP/1.0) it
    >> seems that HTTP proxies which run different protocol versions
    on each
    >> leg will break signatures.
    >> I would recommend removing the HTTP version from the MAC. The
    >> transport is inherently a "per hop" type of thing, while request
    >> signatures are conceptually "end to end".
    >> I am not aware of any specific security benefits derived from
    >> including the HTTP protocol version in the MAC input string.
    This may
    >> be why AWS version 2 and AWS version 4 signatures do not
    include it.
    >> Thanks and regards,
    >>     Blair.
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