Hi Adam,

3 is the most common today.  In the Salesforce case it has the additional 
benefit that when Domain 1 is federating to SalesForce via OpenID Connect it 
can provide access tokens for it's API to sales force scoped for that user for 
use in the SalesForce custom logic.

1 and 2 are similar and likely it is more of a deployment choice between them.
We do see examples of this currently with the Android play store providing 
third-party id_tokens/JWT assertions to OAuth clients.

The reason for doing 1 or 2 vs 3 probably comes down to connivence and security 
if  there is an agent for the user's  IdP on the device that can act as a 
confidential client to the IdP for security and provide a more consistent UI 
for the user.   That is what we are working on in the NAPPS WG at OIDF.

We have examples of 1/2 now, the problem is that they are not as universally 
applicable as 3 but hopefully with standardization for developers we will se 
more in the next year or so.

John B.

On Mar 27, 2014, at 10:06 AM, Lewis Adam-CAL022 
<adam.le...@motorolasolutions.com> wrote:

> I am curious it ping the thoughts of others on the list of how OAuth is going 
> to continue to mature, especially with respect to enterprise federation 
> scenarios.  This is something that I spend a whole lot of time thinking 
> about.  Specifically, consider the following use case:
> An end user in domain 1 downloads a native application to access an API 
> exposed by domain 2, to access a protected resource in domain 2, under the 
> administrative control of the domain 2 enterprise.
> There are in my mind three basic means by which OAuth can federate, which I 
> know I have discussed with some of you in the past:
> 1.       First option … End user in domain 1 requests a JWT-structured 
> access_token from the OAuth provider in domain 1, and sends it in the HTTP 
> header directly to the RS in domain 2.   The JWT access_token looks a whole 
> lot like a OIDC id_token (maybe it even is one?).  The RS in domain 2 is able 
> to make attributed-based access control decisions based on the contents of 
> the JWT.  This is architecturally the simplest approach, but enterprises 
> aren’t exactly setting up OAuth providers these days for the intent of 
> accessing protected resources in foreign domains.  Anybody think this might 
> be the case 5 years from now?
> 2.       Second option … similar to the first, but the JWT-structured 
> access_token from domain 1 is sent to the OAuth provider in domain 2, ala the 
> JWT assertion profile.  Domain 1 access token is exchanged for a domain 2 
> access token, and the native client uses the domain 2 access token to send to 
> the protected resource in domain 2.  I like this slightly more than the first 
> option, because the resources servers in domain 2 only need to understand the 
> token format of their own AS.  But it still suffers from the same basic 
> challenge of option 1, that enterprises don’t’ setup OAuth providers today 
> for the purpose of federating, the way that setup SAML providers for WebSSO.
> 3.       Third option.  Native client contacts the OAuth provider in domain 2 
> directly.  The authorization endpoint is federation enabled (NASCAR or other) 
> and the user in domain 1 selects their home IdP (SAML or OIDC) and does 
> WebSSO to federated into the domain 2 OAuth provider.  I believe this is the 
> model that Salesforce supports today, and it the most tactical, since 
> enterprise that want to federate today run out and buy a SAML provider.
> So option 3 is the most obvious approach today.  Does anybody foresee 
> enterprises setting up an STS in the future to federate to foreign RS’s (the 
> way they setup SAML providers today)?  Anybody think we will see options 1 or 
> 2 in the future?
> adam
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