On Oct 23, 2013, at 5:27 PM, Thomas Broyer 

On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 9:22 PM, Richer, Justin P. 
<jric...@mitre.org<mailto:jric...@mitre.org>> wrote:
Hi Thomas,

You're right in that the introspection process is about getting meta data about 
a particular token by making an authenticated call. It does reveal a lot of 
information about the token -- because that's exactly the point of the 
protocol. :)

If the PR is compromised, then the attacker would be able to do anything the PR 
can do, including reusing any tokens handed to the PR (assuming they're bearer 

Yes, this is the problem with bearer tokens. Is there any spec for 'proof 
tokens' besides http-mac?
As a mean of mitigating the issue, I was thinking about delivering a 
refresh_token and asking Clients to generate (ask the AS) different access 
tokens for each PR (or "resource set"). That would of course solve the issue 
with introspection giving too much information (to my taste), but puts burden 
on Client implementors, with no guarantee that they'll actually do it. AFAICT, 
only a 'proof token' would really solve the issue; it's in our backlog.

There are a couple of proposed holder-of-key type tokens proposed but none have 
been accepted by the working group yet. We'd be glad to have more input into it.

This is true without doing introspection at all, since you can just steal and 
start broadcasting the token.

But then the AS could revoke the access token when it detects a high rate of 
validation/introspection requests from many different PRs, particularly many 
such requests in error!
Giving the compromised victim the list of scopes for the token would severely 
limits the number of errors and it would be much harder to detect such 
compromised entities.

It depends on how closely the scopes map to specific resources and how much the 
attacker knows about that environment. It sounds like your usage of OAuth 
places a significant amount of information into the scope which would leak that 
information. In such an environment, having the PR supply the scope in the 
request somehow instead of the AS returning the scope in the response might 
help. However, what would prevent a compromised PR from fishing for the scopes 
of a given token, assuming they know the overall set of scopes the token could 
be good for?

In our own implementation, the PR's are tied to a specific scope set and the AS 
knows which scopes a particular PR is meant to use. With this information, by 
local policy we can actually limit which tokens the PR is allowed to introspect.

Also, if the PR is compromised, all the data protected at that PR is also 
compromised, so you've got other problems too.

That's a problem between the PR and the ROs then, unrelated to the AS or even 
It becomes a problem with the whole system when compromising one entity (other 
than the AS) gives access to personal data in others.

Yes, and there are other means for mitigating these risks, as Torsten pointed 
out, and you'll really want to be doing these anyway in your system.

The "resource_id" parameter is meant to be a service-specific hint that the PR 
can hand to the AS to give context to the transaction. You could easily use 
this field to pass along the list of scopes that you mention below.

I had just skimmed through resource-reg and didn't remember the "resource set" 
concept. Now that I re-read it, I better understand what that resource_id can 

The resource_id isn't necessarily a resource set identifier, though it can be. 
It was really meant as a way for the PR to say "here's the context of the token 
being used". The other piece of context is the client identifier that's used as 
part of the client authenticating the call to the introspection endpoint. 
These, coupled with the token itself, can give a very complete view of the 

You can have your AS return no information other than the "valid" field in the 
response and leave out the scopes, subject, client id, and everything else. All 
those fields are optional. However, in practice we've found it very helpful to 
reveal to the PR which scopes and audiences that a token was issued for so that 
the PR can use that information to make authorization decisions.

But aren't authorization decisions the responsibility of the AS?

Partially, but it's the PR that makes the ultimate decision of whether or not 
to let the request proceed. The AS can only help provide information for the PR 
to make that final decision.

If the PR sent the scopes (or resource_id, but that would closely couple the 
protocol with resource-reg, which I don't think is desirable) to the AS, then 
the PR could authorize access based only on a yes/no response (and the "no" 
response would give information about the "why", to be sent directly to the 

Again, I want to point out that resource_id isn't necessarily meant to be 
coupled with the resource registration protocol (though it can nicely overlap).

An interesting idea to send back the reason why from the AS, I'm assuming this 
would be one of the error codes defined by RFC6750? You'd want to be careful 
about exposing too much information in the error though.

But if all you're after is answering the question "is this token valid" and you 
don't want any other information, your AS is fully allowed to do answer just 
that question.

As I said, I do need "more information", or rather, a more "contextual" 

And you can add that contextual information, like UMA does, as part of the JSON 
structure that's returned.

I think I'll just go with my custom protocol for now. Thanks for your answer.

I would encourage you to rethink that stance, especially if the introspection 
protocol can be changed to accommodate your use case without breaking the 
existing use case that people are using it for. As it's a draft standard I'm 
fine with us tweaking things. Additionally, starting with introspection as it 
is would leave the door open to you interoperating with other systems in the 
future and even moving to a more comprehensive protocol like UMA.

 -- Justin
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