That's what I'm trying to do. All I have been asking for is time to explore the 
spec and to see how it can impact and simplify dyn reg -- which I believe is a 
significant amount.  It would be pre-mature at this point to move Dyn Reg 
forward without exploring this.

I still believe dyn reg is over-specified because it assumes *every* cllient 
registration is different when in fact 99.9% of registrations are going to fall 
in clusters of client applications.  Much of the paramaters can be moved to 
step 1 of registration or at the least be bundled into the software assertion. 
Thus the reg endpoint only has to deal with truly instance specific details 
(e.g. like credential management).

I don't pre-clude that most of dyn reg may remain intact, but it seems clear 
there will be substantive breaking changes that simplify registration.



On 2013-08-28, at 9:47 AM, George Fletcher <> wrote:

> So Phil... given that you can do all this today with the existing set of 
> specifications... why not write the software statements/client assertion 
> registration spec so that it meets your use case and deployment needs. I'd 
> much rather have two straight forward ways to do something when the core use 
> cases are so different than to try and munge everything into one and end up 
> with unnecessary complexity in one or both of the solutions.
> I see the use case you are trying to solve for as significantly different 
> than the one I'm trying to solve for. Now maybe your way is the better way 
> but why not let the market make that decision? We will not confuse developers 
> by having two ways to do things as it will be very clear at the beginning of 
> development which way is needed for their use case:)
> Thanks,
> George
> On 8/28/13 12:41 PM, Phil Hunt wrote:
>> Yes. A client could pass the software statement *directly* as its client 
>> credential.  Which is one of the *simple* solutions. 8-)
>> The other case is where the client instance needs its own credential as 
>> George indicates.  In that case it could swap the statement for a unique 
>> client assertion.
>> Phil
>> @independentid
>> On 2013-08-28, at 9:38 AM, Sergey Beryozkin <> wrote:
>>> On 28/08/13 17:33, George Fletcher wrote:
>>>> So I understand that you'd rather that OAuth doesn't require a
>>>> client_secret and that's fine. However, I don't think we should impose
>>>> that thinking on the rest of the world who have already implemented it
>>>> and have it working and scaling without issues. If the core of this
>>>> discussion is around replacing client_id and client_secret with a
>>>> client_assertion then lets have that discussion separately and not bury
>>>> it in the dynamic registration discussion.
>>>> Could you not profile OAuth2 to support a flow that allows for retrieval
>>>> of access and refresh tokens using code + client_assertion? Doesn't seem
>>>> like that hard a profile and then the rest of this could fall out pretty
>>>> easily.
>>> That is already supported AFAIK, something like
>>> grant_type=authorization_code
>>> &code=12345678
>>> &client_assertion_type=urn%3Aietf%3Aparams%3Aoauth%3Aclient-assertion-type%3Asaml2-bearer
>>> &client_assertion=Base64UrlEncoded-SAML2-Bearer-Assertion
>>> probably the same works with JWT
>>> Sergey
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> George
>>>> On 8/28/13 12:28 PM, Anthony Nadalin wrote:
>>>>> I do think that this is the rare-edge use case, we would not want
>>>>> require client-secret, we already have that mess today with OAuth and
>>>>> trying not to continue the proliferation, we solve this today with our
>>>>> STS and assertion swaps/transformations, it scales, performs and we
>>>>> don’t have the management debacle this specification creates
>>>>> *From:* [] *On
>>>>> Behalf Of *George Fletcher
>>>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 28, 2013 9:21 AM
>>>>> *To:* Phil Hunt
>>>>> *Cc:* oauth mailing list
>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [OAUTH-WG] Dynamic Client Registration Conference Call:
>>>>> Wed 28 Aug, 2pm PDT: Conference Bridge Details
>>>>> On 8/28/13 12:02 PM, Phil Hunt wrote:
>>>>>    Please define the all in one case. I think this is the edge case and 
>>>>> is in fact rare.
>>>>>    I agree, in many cases step 1 can be made by simply approving a class 
>>>>> of software. But then step 2 is simplified.
>>>>>    Dyn reg assumes every registration of an instance is unique which too 
>>>>> me is a very extreme
>>>>> If you have a mobile app that needs to do the code flow... which
>>>>> requires a client_secret in order to retrieve the access token and
>>>>> refresh token, how does the app do this without per app instance
>>>>> registration?
>>>>> I'd argue that almost all user facing mobile apps will want the above
>>>>> flow and that's not a small, rare edge case.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> George
>>>>>    position.
>>>>>    Phil
>>>>>    On 2013-08-28, at 8:41, Justin Richer<>  
>>>>> <>  wrote:
>>>>>        Except for the cases where you want step 1 to happen in band. To 
>>>>> me, that is a vitally and fundamentally important use case that we can't 
>>>>> disregard, and we must have a solution that can accommodate that. The 
>>>>> notions of "publisher" and "product" fade very quickly once you get 
>>>>> outside of the software vendor world.
>>>>>        This is, of course, not to stand in the way of other solutions or 
>>>>> approaches (such as something assertion based like you're after). It's 
>>>>> not a one-or-the-other proposition, especially when there are mutually 
>>>>> exclusive aspects of each.
>>>>>        Therefore I once again call for the WG to finish the current 
>>>>> dynamic registration spec *AND* pursue the assertion based process that 
>>>>> Phil's talking about. They're not mutually exclusive, let's please stop 
>>>>> talking about them like they are.
>>>>>        -- Justin
>>>>>        On 08/28/2013 11:17 AM, Phil Hunt wrote:
>>>>>            Sorry. I meant also to say i think there are 2 registration 
>>>>> steps
>>>>>            1. Software registration/approval. This often happens out of 
>>>>> band. But in this step policy is defined that approves software for use. 
>>>>> Many of the reg params are known here.
>>>>>            Federation techniques come into play as trust approvals can be 
>>>>> based on developer, product or even publisher.
>>>>>            2. Each instance associates in a stateless way. Only clients 
>>>>> that need credential rotation need more.
>>>>>            Phil
>>>>>            On 2013-08-28, at 8:04, Phil Hunt<>  
>>>>> <>  wrote:
>>>>>                I have a conflict I cannot get out of for 2pacific.
>>>>>                I think a certificate based approach is going to simplify 
>>>>> exchanges in all cases. I encourage the group to explore the concept on 
>>>>> the call.
>>>>>                I am not sure breaking dyn reg up helps. It creates yet 
>>>>> another option. I would like to explore how federation concept in 
>>>>> software statements can help with facilitating association and making 
>>>>> many reg stateless.
>>>>>                Phil
>>>>>                On 2013-08-28, at 5:43, "Tschofenig, Hannes (NSN - 
>>>>> FI/Espoo)"<>  <> 
>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>                    Here are the conference bridge / Webex details for the 
>>>>> call today.
>>>>>                    We are going to complete the use case discussions from 
>>>>> last time (Phil wasn't able to walk through all slides). Justin was also 
>>>>> able to work out a strawman proposal based on the discussions last week 
>>>>> and we will have a look at it to see whether this is a suitable 
>>>>> compromise. Here is Justin's mail, in case you have missed 
>>>>> it:
>>>>>                    Phil, please feel free to make adjustments to your 
>>>>> slides given the Justin's recent proposal.
>>>>>                    Topic: OAuth Dynamic Client Registration
>>>>>                    Date: Wednesday, August 28, 2013
>>>>>                    Time: 2:00 pm, Pacific Daylight Time (San Francisco, 
>>>>> GMT-07:00)
>>>>>                    Meeting Number: 703 230 586
>>>>>                    Meeting Password: oauth
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>>>>> --
>>>>> George Fletcher <>
>>>> --
>>>> George Fletcher <>
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>>>> OAuth mailing list
>>> -- 
>>> Sergey Beryozkin
>>> Talend Community Coders
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>>> OAuth mailing list
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