I appreciate that is your opinion.   Lets finish splitting the document and 
agree on what we agree on, then the chairs and others can render a opinion on 
if http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-richer-oauth-dyn-reg-management-00 is in 
scope for this WG.    I happen to think it is in scope, and I suspect I am not 
alone in that.

Right now lets focus on the core of the spec we agree on and leave the scope 
issue to a later knife fight.

John B.

On 2013-08-27, at 2:41 PM, Anthony Nadalin <tony...@microsoft.com> wrote:

> I believe the 
> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-richer-oauth-dyn-reg-management-00 is out of 
> scope for this WG and needs to go to the APPS area since we don't deal with 
> other OAuth management issues
> -----Original Message-----
> From: oauth-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of 
> Richer, Justin P.
> Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 7:06 AM
> To: oauth mailing list
> Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Refactoring Dynamic Registration
> After last week's design team call, at Derek's suggestion, I took time today 
> to refactor the Dynamic Registration draft into two pieces: "core" and 
> "management". The former contains the definition of the Registration Endpoint 
> and the semantics surrounding that, the latter contains the Client 
> Configuration Endpoint as well as the "non-essential" client metadata 
> parameters.  
> I did this refactoring with an axe, so there are almost certainly bits and 
> pieces that are in the wrong document. In particular, I've kept the use cases 
> in the "core" document even though they reference concepts and constructs 
> defined in the "management" spec. This way people that don't want to deal 
> with a configuration management API can implement just the "core" 
> registration spec and call it a day, while people who want to have full 
> lifecycle control can do the "management" spec on top of it. This does 
> increase the optionality by making the client configuration endpoint 
> parameters optional, but that's the tradeoff for having things cut this way.
> You can read both the specs here:
> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-richer-oauth-dyn-reg-core-00
> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-richer-oauth-dyn-reg-management-00
> I've uploaded these as individual submissions for now. If the working group 
> decides to move forward with this refactoring, I expect both documents to 
> move in tandem through the RFC approval process.
> -- Justin
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