Yes the was the intent.

On 2013-08-22, at 1:38 PM, Justin Richer <> wrote:

> +1, I believe that was the intent of the edit.
>  -- Justin
> On 08/22/2013 01:33 PM, Brian Campbell wrote:
>> I so believe that was the intent and what it probably should have said. So 
>> maybe errata makes sense?
>> On Aug 17, 2013 12:15 PM, "Torsten Lodderstedt" <> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> would it make sense to issue an errata and add a "public" to the sentence as 
>> follows?
>> "A _public_ client MAY use the "client_id" request parameter to identify 
>> itself
>>    when sending requests to the token endpoint."
>> regards,
>> Torsten.
>> Am 01.08.2013 15:57, schrieb Brian Campbell:
>>> I thought I remembered that text from RFC 6749, section 3.1 as saying that 
>>> a *public* client MAY use the "client_id" request parameter to identify 
>>> itself...
>>> Apparently that's not what it says. But I believe that was the intent - hat 
>>> a client with no means of authentication could identify itself by sending 
>>> only the "client_id" request parameter to the token endpoint. 
>>> Sec 2.3 ( says, "The client 
>>> MUST NOT use more than one authentication method in each  request."
>>> And 5.2 ( has
>>>          "invalid_request
>>>                The request is missing a required parameter, includes an
>>>                unsupported parameter value (other than grant type),
>>>                repeats a parameter, includes multiple credentials,
>>>                utilizes more than one mechanism for authenticating the
>>>                client, or is otherwise malformed."
>>> There is some room for ambiguity in all that but, based on the above, I'd 
>>> say that the way your server is behaving is correct Torsten. 
>>> On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 2:13 PM, John Bradley <> wrote:
>>> Hmm allowing sending the client_id even if there is no authentication was 
>>> intended to mitigate cases where the client presenting the code or 
>>> refresh_token was not the one that requested it, and for logging.
>>> I don't think the intention was to allow the client_id to be sent twice.
>>> If it were my Token endpoint I would ignore the extra one and only 
>>> processes the one sent as part of the authentication,  if there is no 
>>> authentication then the value of the "client_id" parameter MUST match the 
>>> client_id that was used to request the token.
>>> It is probably a open question if the request should be considered 
>>> malformed if it contains both.
>>> Personally I would recommend that the client not do that.
>>> Others may remember it differently.
>>> John B.
>>> On 2013-08-01, at 11:34 AM, Torsten Lodderstedt <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> > Hi,
>>> >
>>> > while setting up our OIDC interop tests, we run into the following 
>>> > problem:
>>> >
>>> > The test client sends a request to the token endpoint, which contains the 
>>> > client credentials in an authorization header. Additionally, it adds the 
>>> > client_id to the message body. Our server treats this as an invalid 
>>> > request and responds with HTTP status code 400.
>>> >
>>> > Now my question: The last paragraph of RFC 6749, section 3.1 
>>> > ( states
>>> >
>>> > "A client MAY use the "client_id" request parameter to identify itself
>>> >   when sending requests to the token endpoint."
>>> >
>>> > This seems to allow the client to send the client_id in addition to any 
>>> > other credential used to authenticate it.
>>> >
>>> > I'm not sure what the intension is/was. How is the server supposed to 
>>> > handle such cases? Shall it compare both ids (from the header and the 
>>> > body)? Must they match exactly?
>>> >
>>> > Any feedback is appreciated.
>>> >
>>> > regards,
>>> > Torsten.
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