Tim Bray wrote:
> FWIW, I just read the spec through with fresh eyes, and I found the 
> explanation of the workflow in 1.4.2 very useful.  
> - A developer manually registers and then is able to request “Initial tokens” 
> tokens for a dynamic-app-registration-scope, 
> - you use that “Initial token” token to register, in exchange you get the 
> client-id & so on, and also a a per-registration “Registration token” for 
> updating that particular registration information
> - you fetch/update/delete your registration information with that 
> registration token.
> The first part, where the developer registers & gets a token for a scope, is 
> vanilla OAuth 2. (right?)

Wrong? This doesn't sound like it has any technical connection to OAuth 2. It 
is a developer browsing to a service portal; presumably logging in with a 
password, perhaps with a 2nd factor (no OAuth here); and manually copying a 
credential that can be used with the 'BEARER' HTTP Authentication mechanism. 
There is no app orchestrating the interaction (the developer just browsed to 
the portal); there is no programmatic exchange of one app credential for 
another at an AS token endpoint. The only technical connection to OAuth 2 is 
that the 'BEARER' HTTP authentication mechanism is branded "OAuth 2" for 
marketing(?) reasons.

James Manger
OAuth mailing list

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