We are not changing current OAuth Semantics.   Scopes are per AS and might 
apply to different API.   The AS needs to sort out its scope name collision 
policy otherwise it will be a problem at the authorization endpoint when they 
request scopes anyway.     Scope is unfortunately already overloaded, we are 
supporting the overloaded scopes from the Authorization endpoint.

The AS could also have different registration endpoints for different API if 
they want to have separate client_id for the API. (the authorization and token 
endpoints could resolve scope name collisions based on client_id, but that is 
more an implementation issue they would logically be separate AS from the 
client perspective.)

The scopes are the ones used at the authorization/token endpoint. 

John B.

On 2013-06-05, at 1:11 AM, Phil Hunt <phil.h...@oracle.com> wrote:

> How is targeting achieved in dynamic registration? Or in other words how do 
> we know what API is referred to within the scope?  Is the registration 
> endpoint generic or to be matched with each resource API?
> For example, in google's manual registration system, they ask which APIs the 
> clients will access. This keeps scope from getting complex later on.
> I'm worried about attempting to overload scope for this purpose during 
> registration.
> I suppose if a client can only register for one API at a time, then the usual 
> OAuth2 techniques for targeting would apply.
> Phil
> @independentid
> www.independentid.com
> phil.h...@oracle.com
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