The preference is to have the access token for registration issued by the 
normal token server rather then by the registration endpoint. 

In the current draft it is obtained through a unique process and must outlive 
the client. 


On 2013-05-30, at 19:47, "Richer, Justin P." <> wrote:

> I don't understand any of the comments below -- it already *is* an OAuth2 
> protected resource without any special handling. Your access tokens can be 
> short-lived, long-lived, federated, structured, random blobs ... totally 
> doesn't matter. They are access tokens being used to access a normal 
> protected resource. Full stop.
> Anything else is out of scope. The lifecycle discussions at the beginning are 
> merely examples of some ways you *could* use it and are non-normative and 
> non-exhaustive.
> You seem to be asking for something that's already in the draft.
>  -- Justin
> From: Phil Hunt []
> Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 7:31 PM
> To: Richer, Justin P.
> Cc: John Bradley; WG
> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] review comments on draft-ietf-oauth-dyn-reg-11.txt
> Phil
> On 2013-05-30, at 16:11, "Richer, Justin P." <> wrote:
>> Comments inline, marked by [JR].
>> From: Phil Hunt []
>> Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 5:25 PM
>> To: Richer, Justin P.
>> Cc: John Bradley; WG
>> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] review comments on draft-ietf-oauth-dyn-reg-11.txt
>> See below.
>> Phil
>> @independentid
>> On 2013-05-30, at 2:09 PM, Justin Richer wrote:
>>> OK, I think see part of the hang up. I have not seen the scenario that you 
>>> describe, where you trade a 3rd party token for a "local" token. I have 
>>> seen where access tokens are federated directly at the PR. (Introspection 
>>> lets you do some  good things with that pattern.) But that's neither here 
>>> nor there, as you can already do what you're asking for and I think I can 
>>> clear things up:
>>> In your case, the "3rd party bearer assertion" is simply *not* the Initial 
>>> Registration Token. It's an assertion that can be used to *get* an Initial 
>>> Registration Token. The token that you get from the Token Endpoint, in your 
>>> case, would be "local" from your own AS. Your registration endpoint would 
>>> look at this token on the way in, know how to validate it, do whatever else 
>>> it wants to with it, and process the registration. Then it would issue a 
>>> Registration Access Token that to the registering client to use at the 
>>> RESTful endpoint. Incidentally, that token would also be "local", just like 
>>> before.
>>> How you (the client/developer) get the actual Initial Registration Token is 
>>> completely and forever out of scope for the Dynamic Registration spec.
>> [PH]  Yes, the issuance of the third party bearer assertion token token 
>> would be out of scope of this spec.
>> If however the group decides to except federated direct access tokens as 
>> registration *access* tokens, then I think we have to define federation for 
>> access tokens first.   For me, I think this is something that should be 
>> discussed in a different charter.
>> [JR] It's an access token, plain and simple. The draft doesn't care -- and 
>> shouldn't care -- if it's federated or not. I agree, and have been arguing 
>> all along, that if you have a use case for federated access tokens, you need 
>> to define the mechanisms for such tokens, and that registration is *not* the 
>> place for that definition. It's orthogonal but they can be used together. 
>> Let's define them separately but in a compatible way.
> [ph] thats not the impression i get from the draft. As i mentioned earlier 
> using access token for registration is clearer. 
>>> This all still fits with the current definitions as they are. You don't 
>>> have to use federated tokens if you don't want to. I can still use them if 
>>> I want to. Everybody's happy! And this is all because we are not defining 
>>> any content or semantics tied to the processing of the Initial Registration 
>>> Token or calling it an Assertion or anything -- it's up to the AS to 
>>> process it however it would normally process an OAuth Access token. So if 
>>> your AS needs a local token, then you need to use a local token. If you 
>>> don't want to use structured foreign tokens as your Initial Registration 
>>> Tokens, don't. But that shouldn't preclude others of us from doing so.
>> [PH] The difference is where the client is expected to present the federated 
>> (aka 3rd party) assertion.  I would rather follow the standard 6749 4.5 
>> method in all cases for consistency.  
>> You can choose to short circuit, but I think the draft should follow a 
>> consistent methodology.
>> [JR] 6749 section 4.5 (extension grants) is irrelevant to registration as 
>> it's talking about access to the token endpoint and not to protected 
>> resources. Additionally, people do use assertions encoded inside of OAuth 
>> tokens directly at protected resources all the time (since OAuth2 tokens are 
>> opaque to clients but must be understood by protected resources), but that's 
>> *still* completely irrelevant to this discussion because it doesn't matter 
>> in terms of the interoperability of the protocol. If you want to use 
>> assertions or auth codes or client credentials or magic to get your Initial 
>> Registration Token, the dynamic registration protocol doesn't care how you 
>> did it. Just like any other OAuth2 protected resource doesn't care how you 
>> got the token. This abstraction was one of the key insights in how OAuth2 is 
>> structured as a framework and protocol. The important thing here is that if 
>> the client gets an Initial Registration Token it knows where to send it and 
>> how to use it. What I hear you saying is that you don't want to use a 
>> federated token as an Initial Registration Token. That's fine! Don't do it 
>> -- and you have that option precisely because of how we've already written 
>> it! If your clients get handed a token that *isn't* an Initial Registration 
>> Token and you want them to go through another step to *get* an Initial 
>> Registration Token, so be it! But it doesn't make sense to encode that 
>> behavior as required into the registration protocol, because (as you point 
>> out) not everything is going to be an assertion in the first place. Again I 
>> say that you can do everything that you want to do with existing mechanisms 
>> or self-contained extensions.
> [ph] i am referring to the mechanism currently defined that accepts external 
> assertions in exchange for access tokens within the server. 
> When you do it this way all clients are now accessing the reg endpoint with a 
> short term access token. 
> If you want to make federated access tokens a formal approach you need to 
> profile it since there is no spec for federated access tokens. 
> IOW, handle federated access tokens the same way 6749 does which is to say 
> nothing. 
> If you do this you can really simplify registration because now it just 
> normal oauth protected resource without any special handling. 
>>> If you think it would be helpful, I can add language to the lifecycle 
>>> discussion to clarify that the Initial Registration Token can be gotten 
>>> through any number of means, not just the manual-portal approach that's 
>>> talked about now. Or if you want to write up this specific use case we can 
>>> add it as another concrete example.
>> [PH] I think there is potential to cut a lot of text out of the spec if we 
>> strictly define the registration endpoint as a normal OAuth2 protected 
>> endpoint.
>> [JR] I don't understand what you're saying here -- it already *is* an OAuth2 
>> protected endpoint, like I've pointed out below. All OAuth2 protected 
>> endpoints don't care how you get the token, neither does this one. All 
>> OAuth2 protected endpoints don't care (from OAuth2's perspective) how the 
>> token is verified or processed, and neither does this one (from the draft's 
>> perspective). I explicitly want to keep that kind of token and assertion 
>> processing *out* of this draft because it's more useful to build generally 
>> applicable mechanisms. If we keep the registration endpoint as an OAuth2 
>> protected endpoint -- like it already is -- then we can inherit whatever 
>> mechanisms you want, and that is a very powerful setup.
>>> I will close by pointing out that I have *never* proposed that we dictate 
>>> that the Registration Endpoint have to accept and process federated tokens, 
>>> and it would be ludicrous to do so. I have been and still am committed to 
>>> the Initial Registration Token and the Registration Access Token being 
>>> plain old opaque-to-the-client OAuth 2 tokens.
>> [PH] Agreed.  However, the use case of a 3rd party signer for client 
>> applications is critical to both commercial organizations and open source 
>> orgs that publish software that are deployed by many separate entities.  The 
>> client developer needs to be able to contact the publisher in many cases to 
>> obtain a signed assertion.  
>> I believe this is a core use case.  
>> I believe as I've proposed it using the normal 4.5 exchange federated 
>> assertion for local token method, the draft doesn't have to get into the 
>> details of the assertion.  Though that said, I would suggest the draft make 
>> some suggestions on the contents of such assertions.
>> [JR] You can already do what you want to without mentioning assertions. The 
>> current draft doesn't mention assertions at all, either. All talk of use of 
>> assertions is outside the scope of registration. You're proposing adding it 
>> in, and I'm strongly against that. 
>>> I think it's possible that you're still conflating the work I'm doing with 
>>> the BB+ *extension* to dynamic registration with the dynamic registration 
>>> document itself. I have never suggested that we pull all the extended BB+ 
>>> stuff down into Dyn Reg, and in fact I think quite the opposite as I don't 
>>> believe it's as generally applicable without the larger BB+ stack (which 
>>> includes discovery as well as reliance on policy and other frameworks). 
>> [PH] I'm only using it as an example. Both Cisco (at IIW) and Oracle have 
>> very similar requirements.  As I said above, the use case is a key use case. 
>> However I agree, the way you solve it in BB+ is not the way to solve it 
>> within the draft spec.  I think the BB+ does well inform our discussions 
>> though.
>> [JR] Considering that BB+ manages to do all of this with a cleanly defined 
>> extension without any changes in the existing draft text, I think that's as 
>> strong an argument as anything to keep it defined how it is, and that what's 
>> there is a sufficient base to build on.
>>>  -- Justin
>>> On 05/30/2013 03:54 PM, Phil Hunt wrote:
>>>> Justin,
>>>> So far, every time an OAuth server has accepted a 3rd party token it has 
>>>> been a bearer assertion. The common pattern is to exchange that assertion 
>>>> for a an access token issued by the local server for the local resource 
>>>> endpoint.
>>>> That's the pattern I am trying to follow.
>>>> Going this way means we do not have to define the initial registration 
>>>> token.
>>>> If however, you really want to use the initial registration token AS an 
>>>> access token, you are taking us into the question of using federated 
>>>> access tokens.  I prefer not to do that here.
>>>> Phil
>>>> @independentid
>>>> On 2013-05-30, at 12:51 PM, Justin Richer wrote:
>>>>> I don't understand which access token is being talked about here -- is 
>>>>> this the Initial Registration Token? Because you can already do 
>>>>> everything below. How you get the Initial Registration token is out of 
>>>>> scope precisely so that the AS can decide what that means. We can add 
>>>>> language in the lifecycle discussions to bring up the fact that you can 
>>>>> get this token from an OAuth flow, if you think that'll help clear things 
>>>>> up.
>>>>> However, the client doesn't register using the client credential flow at 
>>>>> all -- it registers using a POST to the registration endpoint, and that 
>>>>> POST might have an OAuth token attached to it. How the client got that 
>>>>> OAuth tok=
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