I think Phil also had some processing reason why a Token endpoint or RS 
wouldn't want to tale the authentication as a header, as the processing was 
easier with them as parameters as they are potentially available to different 
parts of the stack.   That may have been mostly around RS, but the principal 
may apply to the token endpoint as well.

On 2013-05-30, at 10:21 AM, Justin Richer <jric...@mitre.org> wrote:

>>>> "client_secret_post vs client_secret_basic"
>>>> BASIC and POST are essentially the same just different ways to send the 
>>>> client secret. If an authorization server supports both, both should work 
>>>> for any client. So are both methods treated differently?
>>> I agree, and this was one of my original arguments for making this field 
>>> plural (or plural-able), but there hasn't been WG support for that so far.
>> I'm not arguing to make it plural. I think the authentication method is just 
>> "client_secret".
> That was also an option that was brought up, but in the OIDC WG the 
> counter-argument was (as I recall) that the two are syntactically separate 
> and there's a desire to restrict to a single type, such as disabling 
> client_secret_post. Basically, to make it unambiguous.

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