So, I really don’t understand why dynamic registration is in scope, I 
understand this relative to OpenID Connect but not OAuth, if this is indeed in 
scope then I would have expected that the endpoint be based upon SCIM and not 
something else like what has been done here.

From: Justin Richer []
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 11:10 AM
To: Anthony Nadalin
Cc: Phil Hunt;
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Proposed Syntax Changes in Dynamic Registration

Tony, can you be more specific? What needs to be changed in your opinion? What 
text changes would you suggest?

 -- Justin
On 05/20/2013 02:09 PM, Anthony Nadalin wrote:

[] On Behalf Of Phil Hunt
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 9:42 AM
To: Justin Richer
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Proposed Syntax Changes in Dynamic Registration

This draft isn't ready for LC.


On 2013-05-20, at 8:49, Justin Richer 
<<>> wrote:
But also keep in mind that this is last-call, and that we don't really want to 
encourage avoidable drastic changes at this stage.

 -- Justin

On 05/20/2013 11:21 AM, Phil Hunt wrote:
Keep in mind there may be other changes coming.

The issue is that new developers can't figure out what token is being referred 


On 2013-05-20, at 8:09, Justin Richer 
<<>> wrote:
Phil Hunt's review of the Dynamic Registration specification has raised a 
couple of issues that I felt were getting buried by the larger discussion 
(which I still strongly encourage others to jump in to). Namely, Phil has 
suggested a couple of syntax changes to the names of several parameters.

1) expires_at -> client_secret_expires_at
2) issued_at -> client_id_issued_at
3) token_endpoint_auth_method -> token_endpoint_client_auth_method

I'd like to get a feeling, especially from developers who have deployed this 
draft spec, what we ought to do for each of these:

 A) Keep the parameter names as-is
 B) Adopt the new names as above
 C) Adopt a new name that I will specify

In all cases, clarifying text will be added to the parameter *definitions* so 
that it's more clear to people reading the spec what each piece does. Speaking 
as the editor: "A" is the default as far as I'm concerned, since we shouldn't 
change syntax without very good reason to do so. That said, if it's going to be 
better for developers with the new parameter names, I am open to fixing them 

Naming things is hard.

 -- Justin
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