I have just looked at our WG milestones and need your feedback:
* Mar 2013 Submit 'Token Revocation' to the IESG for consideration as a
Proposed Standard
--> I have asked the IESG secretary to mark it as DONE.
* Apr 2013 Submit 'SAML 2.0 Bearer Assertion Profiles for OAuth 2.0' to
the IESG for consideration as a Proposed Standard
* Apr 2013 Submit 'OAuth 2.0 Assertion Profile' to the IESG for
consideration as a Proposed Standard
--> We are behind schedule on this item and I suggest the following next
1) WG review for 2 weeks (2 weeks because various folks are at the
Internet Identity Workshop in Mountain View next week).
2) If review feedback indicates the documents are ready for the IESG
we sent them to the IESG again.
Jun 2013 Submit 'OAuth Use Cases' to the IESG for consideration as an
Informational RFC
--> Derek, as the document shepherd, knows the status of this work
Jul 2013 Submit 'HTTP Authentication: MAC Authentication' to the IESG
for consideration as a Proposed Standard
--> The feedback at the last IETF meeting was good. We do, however,
need to finalize the document. July is a realistic deadline, I think,
but the document authors will have to propose a list of open issues.
Aug 2013 Submit 'JSON Web Token (JWT) Bearer Token Profiles for OAuth
2.0' to the IESG for consideration as a Proposed Standard
--> This document is pending the completion of the JOSE work.
Is this date realistic?
Aug 2013 Submit 'JSON Web Token (JWT)' to the IESG for consideration as
a Proposed Standard
--> This document is pending the completion of the JOSE work.
Is this date realistic?
Sep 2013 Submit 'OAuth Dynamic Client Registration Protocol' to the
IESG for consideration as a Proposed Standard
--> Justin, do you think that this document can be completed in
September or earlier?
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