I think the below is a bit clearer than the existing language.    I can live 
with either.

John B.

On 2013-04-15, at 2:29 PM, Mike Jones <michael.jo...@microsoft.com> wrote:

> We could fix the one-sided language by changing
> “Space separated list of scope values (as described in OAuth 2.0Section 3.3 
> [RFC6749]) that the client is declaring that it may use when requesting 
> access tokens.”
> to
> “Space separated list of scope values (as described in OAuth 2.0Section 3.3 
> [RFC6749]) that the client is declaring to the server that it may use when 
> requesting access tokens and that the server is declaring to the client that 
> it is registered to use when requesting access tokens.”.
> Again, I chose the “registered to use” language carefully – because in the 
> general case it’s not a restriction on the values that the client can use – 
> just a statement by the server to the client that it is registered to use 
> those particular values.  In both cases, the parties are making declarations 
> to one another.
> If you adopt that language (or keep the original language), then yes, I’d 
> consider this closed.
>                                                             -- Mike
> From: Justin Richer [mailto:jric...@mitre.org] 
> Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 9:57 AM
> To: Mike Jones
> Cc: Tim Bray; oauth@ietf.org
> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Registration: Scope Values
> I absolutely do not want to delete this feature, as (having implemented it) I 
> think it's very useful. This is a very established pattern in manual 
> registration: I know of many, many OAuth2 servers and clients that are set up 
> where the client must pre-register a set of scopes. 
> I don't like the language of "the client is declaring" because it's too 
> one-sided. The client might not have declared anything, and it might be the 
> server that's declaring something to the client. Deleting the "is declaring" 
> bit removes that unintended restriction of the language while keeping the 
> original meaning intact. I actually thought that I had fixed that before the 
> last draft went in but apparently I missed this one.
> I will work on clarifying the intent of the whole metadata set in its 
> introductory paragraph(s) so that it's clear that all of these fields are 
> used in both of these situations:
>  1) The client declaring to the server its desire to use a particular value
>  2) The server declaring to the client that it has been registered with a 
> particular value
> This should hopefully clear up the issue in the editor's note that I 
> currently have at the top of that section right now, too.
> Mike, since you were the one who originally brought up the issue, and you're 
> fine with the existing text, can I take this as closed now? Assuming that you 
> agree with deleting "is declaring" for reasons stated above, I'm fine with 
> leaving everything else as is and staying quiet on what the server has to do 
> with the scopes.
>  -- Justin
> On 04/15/2013 12:44 PM, Mike Jones wrote:
> I think that the existing wording is superior to the proposed changed 
> wording.  The existing wording is:
>    scope
>       OPTIONAL.  Space separated list of scope values (as described in
>       OAuth 2.0 Section 3.3 [RFC6749]) that the client is declaring that
>       it may use when requesting access tokens.  If omitted, an
>       Authorization Server MAY register a Client with a default set of
>       scopes.
> For instance, the current “client is declaring” wording will always be 
> correct, whereas as the change to “client can use” wording implies a 
> restriction on client behavior that is not always applicable.  The “client is 
> declaring” wording was specific and purposefully chosen, and I think should 
> be retained.  In particular, we can’t do anything that implies that only the 
> registered scopes values can be used.  At the OAuth spec level, this is a 
> hint as to possible future client behavior – not a restriction on future 
> client behavior.
> Also, for the reasons that Tim stated, I’m strongly against any “matching” or 
> “regex” language in the spec pertaining to scopes – as it’s not actionable.
> So I’d propose that we leave the existing scope wording in place.  
> Alternatively, I’d also be fine with deleting this feature entirely, as I 
> don’t think it’s useful in the general case.
>                                                             -- Mike
> From: oauth-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of 
> Justin Richer
> Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 8:05 AM
> To: Tim Bray; oauth@ietf.org
> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Registration: Scope Values
> On 04/15/2013 10:52 AM, Tim Bray wrote:
> I’d use the existing wording; it’s perfectly clear.  Failing that, if there’s 
> strong demand for registration of structured scopes, bless the use of 
> regexes, either PCREs or some careful subset.
> Thanks for the feedback -- Of these two choices, I'd rather leave it as-is. 
> However, I’d subtract the sentence “If omitted, an Authorization Server MAY 
> register a Client with a default set of  scopes.”  It adds no value; if the 
> client doesn’t declare scopes, the client doesn’t declare scopes, that’s all. 
>  -T
> Remember, all of these fields aren't just for the client *request*, they're 
> also for the server's *response* to either a POST, PUT, or GET request. (I 
> didn't realize it, but perhaps the wording as stated right now doesn't make 
> that clear -- I need to fix that.) The value that it adds is if the client 
> doesn't ask for any particular scopes, the server can still assign it scopes 
> and the client can do something smart with that. Dumb clients are allowed to 
> ignore it if it doesn't mean anything to them. 
> This is how our server implementation actually works right now. If the client 
> doesn't ask for anything specific at registration, the server hands it a bag 
> of "default" scopes. Same thing happens at auth time -- if the client doesn't 
> ask for any particular scopes, the server hands it all of its registered 
> scopes as a default. Granted, on our server, scopes are just simple strings 
> right now, so they get compared at the auth endpoint with an exact 
> string-match metric and set-based logic. 
>  -- Justin
> On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 7:35 AM, Justin Richer <jric...@mitre.org> wrote:
> What would you suggest for wording here, then? Keeping in mind that we cannot 
> (and don't want to) prohibit expression-based scopes. 
>  -- Justin
> On 04/15/2013 10:33 AM, Tim Bray wrote:
> No, I mean it’s not interoperable at the software-developer level.  I can’t 
> register scopes at authorization time with any predictable effect that I can 
> write code to support, either client or server side, without out-of-line 
> non-interoperable knowledge about the behavior of the server.  
> I guess I’m just not used to OAuth’s culture of having no expectation that 
> things will be specified tightly enough that I can write code to implement as 
> specified.  -T
> On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 7:15 AM, Justin Richer <jric...@mitre.org> wrote:
> Scopes aren't meant to be interoperable between services since they're 
> necessarily API-specific. The only interoperable bit is that there's *some* 
> place to put the values and that it's expressed as a bag of space-separated 
> strings. How those strings get interpreted and enforced (which is really 
> what's at stake here) is up to the AS and PR (or a higher-level protocol like 
> UMA).
>  -- Justin
> On 04/15/2013 10:13 AM, Tim Bray wrote:
> This, as written, has zero interoperability.  I think this feature can really 
> only be made useful in the case where scopes are fixed strings.
> -T
> On Apr 15, 2013 6:54 AM, "Justin Richer" <jric...@mitre.org> wrote:
> You are correct that the idea behind the "scope" parameter at registration is 
> a constraint on authorization-time scopes that are made available. It's both 
> a means for the client to request a set of valid scopes and for the server to 
> provision (and echo back to the client) a set of valid scopes.
> I *really* don't want to try to define a matching language for scope 
> expressions. For that to work, all servers would need to be able to process 
> the regular expressions for all clients, even if the servers themselves only 
> support simple-string scope values. Any regular expression syntax we pick 
> here is guaranteed to be incompatible with something, and I think the 
> complexity doesn't buy much. Also, I think you suddenly have a potential 
> security issue if you have a bad regex in place on either end. 
> As it stands today, the server can interpret the incoming registration scopes 
> and enforce them however it wants to. The real trick comes not from assigning 
> the values to a particular client but to enforcing them, and I think that's 
> always going to be service-specific. We're just not as clear on that as we 
> could be.
> After looking over everyone's comments so far, I'd like to propose the 
> following text for that section:
>    scope
>       OPTIONAL.  Space separated list of scope values (as described in
>       OAuth 2.0 Section 3.3 [RFC6749]) that the client can use when 
>       requesting access tokens.  As scope values are service-specific, 
>       the Authorization Server MAY define its own matching rules when
>       determining if a scope value used during an authorization request
>       is valid according to the scope values assigned during 
>       registration. Possible matching rules include wildcard patterns,
>       regular expressions, or exactly matching the string. If omitted, 
>       an Authorization Server MAY register a Client with a default 
>       set of scopes.
> Comments? Improvements?
>  -- Justin
> On 04/14/2013 08:23 PM, Manger, James H wrote:
> Presumably at app registration time any scope specification is really a 
> constraint on the scope values that can be requested in an authorization flow.
> So ideally registration should accept rules for matching scopes, as opposed 
> to actual scope values.
> You can try to use scope values as their own matching rules. That is fine for 
> a small set of "static" scopes. It starts to fail when there are a large 
> number of scopes, or scopes that can include parameters (resource paths? 
> email addresses?). You can try to patch those failures by allowing services 
> to define service-specific special "wildcard" scope values that can only be 
> used during registration (eg "read:*").
> Alternatively, replace 'scope' in registration with 'scope_regex' that holds 
> a regular expression that all scope values in an authorization flow must 
> match.
> --
> James Manger
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