
I'm surprised there've been no responses. I thought
there was more interest in this one.


On 04/09/2013 06:27 PM, Stephen Farrell wrote:
> Hi,
> I've done my AD review of this draft. I have two quick questions
> I'd like to get answered before I start IETF LC. Depending on the
> answers maybe we should re-spin or just fire ahead, let's see...
> (1) 2.1: "upon the return of the request" isn't right is it?  I
> think you mean the response at least. And what about HTTP error
> handling? What if I get a 503 error? Is the client supposed
> to re-send ever? Don't you need to say?
> (2) 2.2: what's in the response body with a 200 response?  If it
> doesn't matter please say so.
> I see from the write-up one author hasn't confirmed there are
> no IPR issues. I've sent a Marius a mail so hopefully we
> can sort that as we go.
> I also have the following nits that can be fixed (if need
> be) whenever the draft is next changed:
> - intro: "app" isn't really a great term to use, can you replace
> with something from 6479.
> - section 2: the "MAY include a query component" is sort of
> dangling there, maybe it'd be better moved elsewhere?
> - section 2: "MUST be obtained from a trustworthy source." might
> generate comment from IESG members who don't like using 2119
> terms in ways that don't affect interoperability. (I'm fine with
> it fwiw, and have nearly cured 'em of that craze;-) Consider
> s/MUST/need to/ here.
> - 2.1: ought there be a registry for token_type_hint values? It
> looks like maybe there ought be.
> - 2.1: "A client compliant with [RFC6749] must be prepared" was
> that meant to be a 2119 MUST?
> - section 6: maybe s/shall/need to/ in the last para
> Cheers,
> S.
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