We've had great participation thus far.  Currently we have data characterizing 
9 different implementations, with more promised to follow.  The attached 
spreadsheet combines the data provided to date.

As you can see, the different implementations have often made very different 
choices.  I'll plan to produce a set of highlights of the different choices 
made to present on Thursday.

                                                            -- Mike

From: oauth-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Mike 
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 3:38 PM
To: oauth@ietf.org
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] OAuth Feature Matrix

The OAuth Feature Matrix spreadsheet that I talked about at the OAuth WG 
meeting today is attached and available at 
http://self-issued.info/misc/OAuth%20Feature%20Matrix.xlsx.  Tony Nadalin and I 
created it as a tool to characterize OAuth implementations to help promote 
interoperability by understanding the choices that different implementers have 

Also as discussed today, I propose that people with implementations get 
together tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon to take a quick pass at characterizing 
the choices made in your implementations to date.  Then we can report back to 
the working group on Thursday with a snapshot of the choices made, which will 
help us get a sense of which features are likely to be interoperable across 
implementations.  (Actually, all those who are interested are welcome, not just 
those with implementations.)

I'll create a Doodle poll now to help us choose a time window between 1:00 and 
5:00 to get together and do this.  Also, stay tuned for the room where we'll 

Hopefully this will be a useful and informative exercise...

                                                            -- Mike

Attachment: OAuth Feature Matrix - All.xlsx
Description: OAuth Feature Matrix - All.xlsx

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