On 02/19/2013 02:58 PM, John Bradley wrote:
> Yes but that contradicts what Barry is appearing to ask for which is run time 
> interoperability, by profile or configuration.

I can tell you that I don't think Barry and I are asking for
contradictory things. They are different, but not contradictory,
and have the same goal (interop). I believe Barry would agree
with that.

Saying that field X is MTI can be entirely consistent with
defining a protocol that allow for negotiating whether or
not to use field X for example.

So you seem to be starting from a false dichotomy.


> While having code available in libraries is generally a good thing, I agree.  
> That is likely not going to address all of Barry's issues.
> A number of us recommended that Assertions , JWT-assertions and SAML 
> assertions go ahead together because they are interrelated.  The chairs 
> decided to send assertions on on it's own and it has been pushed back.
> That is not especialy surprising, because it is not intended to be complete 
> and interoperable in a end to end system on its own.
> The question remains where to make what MTI.   While it may be logical to 
> make SAML support MTI in SAML assertions should every library supporting 
> assertions have full SAML support even if the applications are only using JWT 
> assertions?  
> Where I think Barry and I agree is that we need to look at a group of 
> documents that are intended to be used together for MTI rather than trying to 
> overload Assertions which is only a small part of the whole.
> So where we may disagree is if requiring libraries to have code that systems 
> don't use and is effectively dead, helps with overall interoperability or is 
> mostly theatre.
> I suspect it is a continuum in that having the RS256 algorithm available in 
> all the JWT assertion libraries lets applications using assertions choose to 
> use it, but that doesn't guarantee all applications will,  or allow a client 
> to figure out if that algorithm is available for use.
> Hence my position that MTI without additional profiles/Discovery/negotiation 
> is interoperability theatre if you are pretending it will make arbitrary 
> OAuth deployments automatically work together.
> Regards
> John B.
> On 2013-02-19, at 4:22 AM, SM <s...@resistor.net> wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> At 12:54 18-02-2013, John Bradley wrote:
>>> That is where we get into the area Stephen Farrell has been raising about 
>>> MTI not being required to deploy.
>> The topic of mandatory to implement has been discussed previously in the 
>> working group.
>> Stephen Farrell explained [1] what it meant.  Barry Leiba explained what it 
>> meant.
>> In my humble opinion a mandatory to implement feature is about having the 
>> code for the feature.  If the code is out there it is easier to get what you 
>> want.
>> Regards,
>> -sm 
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