
Thanks for reviewing the latest draft.

First, it's my understanding that the role of the editor is not merely to express the gestalt of the working group (though that's a very important part of it) but also to drive that discussion to it's best technical end. I put this revision together because it's easier to discuss things when there's actual text on the table. If it's just a suggested idea, I find that people tend to get very scared of imagined horrors that have little to do with the actual proposals. There's an air of "if we do something it's going to be the worst thing" that hang around as long as parts are still unknown.

So I took a step out on a limb and got things down on paper. I told people that I was going to do this the other day. [1] Since it's easy to roll back any changes that the working group doesn't want, and revisions are cheap, I'm not afraid to pull out things that make the WG cringe. But at least now we have something real, and not imagined, to cringe at.

That said, there have been several discussions about the changes that went into this revision. The original UMA draft from which this grew was much JSON based, though it didn't define actions beyond the initial registration. From the time I took over and moved it to form-based actions inspired by the OIDC registration draft, I've had people asking me why the registration endpoint wasn't a RESTful API: why didn't it use HTTP verbs, why wasn't it JSON-in/JSON-out, etc. My argument at the time was that OAuth wasn't RESTful (because it isn't), and that the parallelism with the rest of OAuth would be good for DynReg. But several people argued, several times now, that registration could be a really good place to do something different without breaking the expectations and flavor of the rest of the OAuth framework. I still hold that's it's *different*, but after I saw Nat's elegant rewrite of the OIDC registration spec [2], I was convinced that this could actually work in a reasonable, non-hackish manner.

And so I decided, as editor, to take the many discussions about this along with the best ideas and practices that I was aware of and put them into a document that we could discuss and use.

I welcome discussion on the document on its merits, and not the actions of its editor.

 -- Justin

[1] http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/oauth/current/msg10690.html
[2] http://nat.sakimura.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/draft-openid-connect-registration-1_0.html

On 02/06/2013 09:09 PM, Mike Jones wrote:
Hi Justin,

Thanks for working to make progress on the OAuth Registration draft.  Reading 
through the changes, it seems to me that a number of changes were made that 
there wasn't yet working consensus for - in fact, some of which I don't recall 
being discussed by the working group at all.  These changes include:

   - Splitting the registration endpoint into multiple endpoints
   - Changing from form-encoded to JSON registration representation
   - Adding Get and Delete operations
   - Adding the Self URI concept and representation

My point is separate from whether some of those changes might be good ideas.  
(Some may be.)  I would hope that in the future, before changes are made to 
working group drafts, that sufficient time will be first be given to the 
working group to adequately discuss them and come to agreement on them.

                                Thank you,
                                -- Mike

-----Original Message-----
From: oauth-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of 
Justin Richer
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 12:35 PM
To: oauth@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] I-D Action: draft-ietf-oauth-dyn-reg-05.txt

Thanks to all of the discussion over the last few weeks and some key input from 
Nat Sakimura, Eve Maler, and others, I've put out a revision of the DynReg 
specification that is a major change from recent revisions, but actually brings 
it back closer to the original -01 draft.
The "operation" parameter is now gone and there are instead several logical 
endpoints for different kinds of operations. These endpoints are communicated to the 
client through a well-defined link structure.

It basically works like this:

1. client shows up at the Client Registration Endpoint, posts a JSON object with a few bits of 
metadata about itself (and potentially presents an Access Token that it got from some out of band 
process that acts as a "class registration" or "developer key", important to 
several known real-world use cases)

2. client gets back a JSON object filled with whatever metadata the server has about it, including 
a newly-minted client_id and (possibly) client_secret. The client also gets back a registration 
access token and a fully qualified URL that points to the "update endpoint". This url can 
take any form (the server can't count on the client being able to generate it from parts), but it's 
recommended that it follow a REST-style URL template of the form 

3. client sends updates to this update URL, authenticated by the registration access 
token, by PUTting a JSON object with all of its parameters. Any fields the client leaves 
off the JSON object, the server leaves alone. Anything with a "null" value, the 
server deletes the value. The server remains free to override *any* field the client 
requests setting a particular value for. The client is not allowed to request a 
particular value for the client_secret or registration_access_token, for obvious reasons 
-- but see part 7 below.

4. The server responds back with the current state of the client as a JSON 
object, including any fields the server has provisioned on the client's behalf 
(defaults, for instance). Any fields the server has overridden, it currently 
MUST respond with. So if the client asks for
"scope: A B C" and the server can only give it "scope: A B", then the server has to tell 
that to the client by including the field "scope: A B" in its response.

5. client can send an HTTP GET to the update URL to get its current state as a 
JSON object as in 4.

6. client can send an HTTP DELETE to the update URL to deprovision itself.

7. there's also a parallel endpoint for rotating the registration access token 
and client secret, since these are both security values that are provisioned by 
the server. There is some open debate of whether the client actually needs to 
be able to trigger this operation, or if the server should just do this as part 
of normal update/get requests to the update endpoint.

It's a major functionality change on the wire, and there's still sawdust on the 
spec language. By going with a JSON-based data model and a RESTful update 
protocol, we're getting away from core OAuth patterns, but I think that 
ultimately this can be a good thing. There have been a few proposals that would 
go somewhere between what OAuth does on other endpoints and what a real RESTful 
system would do, but I didn't see much purpose in going half way when the 
results would end up *more* complicated.

I request that everyone read it over to see if this will work for their use 
cases. The idea here remains that application protocols like OIDC and UMA would 
use this mechanism as-is with nearly all customizations in the client metadata 

I hope that this all actually makes sense...

   -- Justin

On 02/06/2013 03:15 PM, internet-dra...@ietf.org wrote:
A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.
   This draft is a work item of the Web Authorization Protocol Working Group of 
the IETF.

        Title           : OAuth Dynamic Client Registration Protocol
        Author(s)       : Justin Richer
                            John Bradley
                            Michael B. Jones
                            Maciej Machulak
        Filename        : draft-ietf-oauth-dyn-reg-05.txt
        Pages           : 21
        Date            : 2013-02-06

     This specification defines an endpoint and protocol for dynamic
     registration of OAuth Clients at an Authorization Server.

The IETF datatracker status page for this draft is:

There's also a htmlized version available at:

A diff from the previous version is available at:

Internet-Drafts are also available by anonymous FTP at:

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