
We have made some changes in the latest draft to address some input from Google 
that I think may also address your need to using the id_token in an assertion 
or possibly as an access token to a federated RS.

I can go over it with you if you like.

John B.

On 2013-02-06, at 9:05 AM, Lewis Adam-CAL022 <> 

> Hi Bill,
> My reason for using OAuth rather than OIDC is because the id_token in OIDC is 
> audience restricted to the client.  This was clearly intended for WebSSO / 
> authentication to a client running on a web server.  It does not help the 
> case where the user of a RESTful native client want to authenticate to a 
> RESTful web service. 
> I agree that OAuth lacks a “defined” way to communicate what is in the AT (as 
> OAuth does not define the content of the AT), but within an enterprise domain 
> this is easy to solve by profiling.  And in any implementation of OAuth on 
> the Internet, the AT must at some level identify the user to the RS.  
> Otherwise how else would the RS know who’s protected resources the client is 
> trying to access?  Now whether the RS learns that through introspection or by 
> parsing a JWT-structured AT is of course not defined.  But at the end of the 
> day, the AT definitely (in all cases that I can think of) identifies the 
> user. 
> I am open minded to using OIDC if in the future if the client can request an 
> id_token that is audience restricted to the RS it is going to communicate.  
> In other words, yes I agree that OIDC is the preferred mechanism for 
> performing “user authentication to a client,” but I also argue that OAuth is 
> the best method to perform “user authentication to an RS” (if you want to get 
> your RS out of the password consumption business).  I am not at all 
> advocating OAuth for authentication to a client. 
> -adam
> From: William Mills [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 6:49 PM
> To: Lewis Adam-CAL022; Tim Bray
> Cc: "WG <>"
> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Why OAuth it self is not an authentication framework ?
> Why use OAuth when OpenID does everything that OAuth can do as an 
> authentication method and does a few things much better?
> Specifically OAuth lacks any defined way to:
> -    feed back any additional information like the real user ID (as opposed 
> to what the entered)
> -    bound an authentication event in time
> -    provide any form of additional SSO payload like a display name for the 
> user
> there's probably other things.
> It'll mostly work but there are things it doesn't do.  Could you solve some 
> of the rest of this with token introspection or a user API that the RP could 
> use to fetch user info, sure, but why rebuild OpenID when OpenID exists?
> -bill
> From: Lewis Adam-CAL022 <>
> To: Tim Bray <>; William Mills <> 
> Cc: " WG" <> 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 5, 2013 2:27 PM
> Subject: RE: [OAUTH-WG] Why OAuth it self is not an authentication framework ?
> I think this is becoming a largely academic / philosophical argument by this 
> time.  The people who designed OAuth will likely point out that it was 
> conceptualized as an authorization protocol to enable a RO to delegate access 
> to a client to access its protected resources on some RS.  And of course this 
> is the history of it.  And the RO and end-user were typically the same 
> entity.  But get caught up in what it was envisioned to do vs. real life use 
> cases that OAuth can solve (and is solving) beyond its initial use cases 
> misses the point … because OAuth is gaining traction in the enterprise and 
> will be used in all different sorts of ways, including authentication. 
> This is especially true of RESTful APIs within an enterprise where the RO and 
> end-user are *not* the same: e.g. RO=enterprise and end-user=employee.  In 
> this model the end-user is not authorizing anything when their client 
> requests a token from the AS … they authenticate to the AS and the client 
> gets an AT, which will likely be profiled by most enterprise deployments to 
> look something like an OIDC id_token.  The AT will be presented to the RS 
> which will examine the claims (user identity, LOA, etc.) and make 
> authorization decisions based on business logic.  The AT has not authorized 
> the user to do anything, it has only made an assertion that the user has been 
> authenticated by the AS (sort of sounds a lot like an IdP now).
> All this talked of OAuth being authorization and not authentication was 
> extremely confusing to me when I first started looking at OAuth for my use 
> cases, and I think at some point the authors of OAuth are going to have to 
> recognize that their baby has grown up to be multi-faceted (and I mean this 
> as a complement).  The abstractions left in the OAuth spec (while some have 
> claimed of the lack of interoperability it will cause) will also enable it to 
> be used in ways possibly still not envisioned by any of us.  I think as soon 
> as we can stop trying to draw the artificial line around OAuth being “an 
> authorization protocol” the better things will be.
> I like to say that they authors had it right when they named it “OAuth” and 
> not “OAuthR” J
> -adam
> From: [] On Behalf Of Tim 
> Bray
> Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 3:28 PM
> To: William Mills
> Cc: WG
> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Why OAuth it self is not an authentication framework ?
> OIDC seems about the most plausible candidate for a “good general solution” 
> that I’m aware of.   -T
> On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 1:22 PM, William Mills <> wrote:
> There are some specific design mis-matches for OAuth as an authentication 
> protocol, it's not what it's designed for and there are some problems you 
> will run into.  Some have used it as such, but it's not a good general 
> solution.
> -bill
> From: Paul Madsen <>
> To: John Bradley <> 
> Cc: " WG" <> 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 5, 2013 1:12 PM
> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Why OAuth it self is not an authentication framework ?
> why pigeonhole it? 
> OAuth can be deployed with no authz semantics at all (or at least as little 
> as any authn mechanism), e.g client creds grant type with no scopes
> I agree that OAuth is not an *SSO* protocol.
> On 2/5/13 3:36 PM, John Bradley wrote:
> OAuth is an Authorization protocol as many of us have pointed out.
> The post is largely correct and based on one of mine.
> John B.
> On 2013-02-05, at 12:52 PM, Prabath Siriwardena <> wrote:
> FYI and for your comments..
> Thanks & Regards,
> Prabath
> Mobile : +94 71 809 6732 
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