There are two efforts at signed token types: MAC which is still a possibility 
if we wake up and do it, and the "Holder Of Key" type tokens.

There are a lot of folks that agree with you.

 From: L. Preston Sego III <>
Sent: Friday, February 1, 2013 7:37 AM
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] I'm concerned about how the sniffability of oauth2 requests

In an oauth2 request, the access token is passed along in the header, with 
nothing else.

As I understand it, oauth2 was designed to be simple for everyone to use. And 
while, that's true, I don't really like how all of the security is reliant on 

what if an attack can strip away SSL using a tool such as sslstrip (or whatever 
else would be more suitable for modern https)? They would be able to see the 
access token and start forging whatever request he or she wants to.

Why not do some sort of RSA-type public-private key thing like back in Oauth1, 
where there is verification of the payload on each request? Just use a better 
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