On 23/01/13 15:47, Justin Richer wrote:
> Which brings up an interesting question for the Registration doc: right
> now, it's set up as a single endpoint with three operations. We could
> instead define three endpoints for the different operations.
> I've not been keen to make that deep of a cutting change to it, but it
> would certainly be cleaner and more RESTful API design. What do others
> think?
IMHO the purity should be balanced against the practicality/simplicity
of the implementation.
Talking about 3 endpoints at the spec level may be treated as the exact
requirement to have 3 separate application endpoints for the single type
of activity, the registration. Can the spec be re-worded such that
"resources" are used instead of endpoints or similar, example, "resource
available at /a will support the following, at /b - something else", or
may be something similar,  thus it will read better too from the design
point of view, and let implementers to use 1 endpoint or 3 ones,
whichever way they prefer it

Thanks, Sergey

> -- Justin
> On 01/22/2013 08:05 PM, Nat Sakimura wrote:
>> "Action" goes against REST principle.
>> I do not think it is a good idea.
>> =nat via iPhone
>> Jan 23, 2013 4:00、Justin Richer<jric...@mitre.org>  のメッセージ:
>>> (CC'ing the working group)
>>> I'm not sure what the "action/operation" flag would accomplish. The idea 
>>> behind having different endpoints in OAuth is that they each do different 
>>> kinds of things. The only "action/operation" that I had envisioned for the 
>>> introspection endpoint is introspection itself: "I have a token, what does 
>>> it mean?"
>>> Note that client_id and client_secret *can* already be used at this 
>>> endpoint if the server supports that as part of their client credentials 
>>> setup. The examples use HTTP Basic with client id and secret right now. 
>>> Basically, the client can authenticate however it wants, including any of 
>>> the methods that OAuth2 allows on the token endpoint. It could also 
>>> authenticate with an access token. At least, that's the intent of the 
>>> introspection draft -- if that's unclear, I'd be happy to accept suggested 
>>> changes to clarify this text.
>>>   -- Justin
>>> On 01/22/2013 01:00 PM, Shiu Fun Poon wrote:
>>>> Justin,
>>>> This spec is looking good..
>>>> One thing I would like to recommend is to add "action"/"operation" to the 
>>>> request.  (and potentially add client_id and client_secret)
>>>> So the request will be like :
>>>> token                                             REQUIRED
>>>> operation (wording to be determine)  OPTIONAL inquire (default) | revoke 
>>>> ...
>>>> resource_id                                    OPTIONAL
>>>> client_id                                         OPTIONAL
>>>> client_secret                                   OPTIONAL
>>>> And for the OAuth client information, it should be an optional parameter 
>>>> (in case it is a public client or client is authenticated with SSL mutual 
>>>> authentication).
>>>> Please consider.
>>>> ShiuFun
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