I can't agree with proceeding with Hannes' rewrite of the interoperability 
text, as editorially, it reads like it is apologizing for a defect in the 
specification, whereas it is an intentional feature of the specification that 
the syntax and verification rules of some fields is intentionally left open for 
profiles to specify (even while the semantics of them is defined by the 
Assertions spec).  I propose that instead, we go with the revised version at 
the end of this message, which I believe incorporates Hannes' ideas while 
keeping the editorial tone positive.

Second, I believe that we should proceed with the non-normative terminology 
change of "Principal" to "Subject", which was proposed in 
http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/oauth/current/msg10530.html and supported 
by Justin and Torsten, with no one opposed.  This should go into the version 
being discussed on the telechat (as well as the interoperability text).

Finally, I believe that it would be beneficial to all to have the Assertions 
and SAML Profile specs be discussed on the same telechat, as both are useful 
for understanding the other.  Frankly, I think they should go to the IETF 
Editor together as "related specifications", with the goal being consecutively 
numbered RFCs referencing one another.  Is there any reason we can't schedule 
both for the February 7th telechat?  (I don't actually understand how they 
failed to proceed in lock-step in the first place.  Chairs - any insights?)


Interoperability Considerations

This specification defines a framework for using assertions with OAuth 2.0. 
However, as an abstract framework in which the data formats used for 
representing many values are not defined, on its own, this specification is not 
sufficient to produce interoperable implementations. 

Two other specifications that profile this framework for specific assertion 
have been developed:  one ([I-D.ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer]) uses SAML 2.0-based 
assertions and the other ([I-D.ietf-oauth-jwt-bearer]) uses JSON Web Tokens 
(JWTs).  These two instantiations of this framework specify additional details 
about the assertion encoding and processing rules for using those kinds of 
assertions with OAuth 2.0.

However, even when profiled for specific assertion types, additional profiling 
for specific use cases will be required to achieve full interoperability.  
Deployments for particular trust frameworks, circles of trust, or other uses 
cases will need to agree among the participants on the kinds of values to be 
used for some abstract fields defined by this specification.  For example the 
values of Issuer, Subject, and Audience fields might be URLs, URIs, fully 
qualified domain names, OAuth client IDs, IP addresses, or other values, 
depending upon the requirements of the particular use case.  The verification 
rules for some values will also be use case specific.

This framework was designed with the clear expectation that additional 
specifications will define prescriptive profiles and extensions necessary to 
achieve full web-scale interoperability for particular use cases.


                                Thanks all,
                                -- Mike

-----Original Message-----
From: oauth-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of 
Stephen Farrell
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2013 9:47 AM
To: Tschofenig, Hannes (NSN - FI/Espoo)
Cc: oauth@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Assertion Draft: Text about Interoperability -- Today


So I'll take the lack of further discussion about this an meaning that the wg 
want this to shoot ahead. I'll put this in as an RFC editor note for the draft.


On 01/18/2013 12:04 PM, Tschofenig, Hannes (NSN - FI/Espoo) wrote:
> Hi all,
> As you have seen on the list (see
> http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/oauth/current/msg10526.html) I 
> had a chat with Mike about how to address my comment for the assertion 
> draft and Mike kindly provided his text proposal (see 
> http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/oauth/current/msg10529.html). I 
> have used his text as input and extended it a bit. Here is the updated 
> text.
> ----
> Operational Considerations and Interoperability Expectations
> This specification defines a framework for using assertions with OAuth 
> 2.0. However, as an abstract framework on its own, this specification 
> is not sufficient to produce interoperable implementations. Two other 
> specifications that instantiate this framework have been developed, 
> one uses SAML 2.0-based assertions and is described in 
> [I-D.ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer] and the second builds on JSON Web Tokens
> (JWTs) and can be found in [I-D.ietf-oauth-jwt-bearer]. These two 
> instantiations provide additional details about the assertion encoding 
> and processing rules for those interested to implement and deploy 
> assertions with OAuth 2.0.
> However, even with these instance documents an interoperable 
> implementation is not possible since for a specific deployment 
> environment (within a trust framework or circle of trust, as it is 
> sometimes called) agreements about acceptable values for various 
> fields in the specification have to be agreed upon. For example, the 
> audience field needs to be populated by the entity that generates the 
> assertion with a specific value and that value may hold identifiers of 
> different types (for example, a URL, an IP address, an FQDN) and the 
> entity receiving and verifying the assertion must compare the value in 
> the audience field with other information it may obtain from the 
> request and/or with locally available information. Since the abstract 
> framework nor the instance documents provide sufficient information 
> about the syntax, the semantic and the comparison operation of the 
> audience field additional profiling in further specifications is 
> needed for an interoperable implementation. This additional profiling 
> is not only needed for the audience field but also for other fields as well.
> This framework was designed with the expectation that additional 
> specifications will fill this gap for deployment-specific environments.
> ----
> You have the choice:
> 1. take this as-is if you want the assertion draft 
> (draft-ietf-oauth-assertions ) on the Jan 24 IESG telechat. There is 
> no normative text in the writeup; it is rather a clarification.
> 2. discuss it if need be, and draft-ietf-oauth-assertions will be on 
> the Feb 7
>    telechat (if the discussion is done by Feb 1)
> 1 or 2 needs to be chosen today.
> Ciao
> Hannes
> PS: FYI - draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer and 
> draft-ietf-oauth-jwt-bearer are not yet on the telechat agenda.
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