Barry Leiba <> writes:

>> Corrected Text
>> --------------
>> Resource owners cannot revoke access to an individual third party without 
>> revoking access
>> to all third parties, and must do so by changing their password.
>> Notes
>> -----
>> The text was originally "their" but changed to "the third party's" between 
>> the last draft and RFC.
>> However, "their" means "resource owners'", not "the third party's".
> Yes, this appears to be a change the RFC Editor made that the authors
> didn't notice in AUTH48.  But the RFC Editor change it from "their"
> because "their" wasn't clear.  Changing it back to "their" won't help
> that.  I suggest editing the corrected text to "by changing the
> resource owner's password" before marking this as Verified.

Yep, I suggested that same change in a private email to Stephen, so I
would prefer this modification.

> Barry


       Derek Atkins                 617-623-3745   
       Computer and Internet Security Consultant
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