We did discuss this issue in the connect WG.

The decision was made to always completely replace.   That prevents unknown 
states if a update fails.   

I think the always replace everything rule is simpler, though admittedly more 
bandwidth is required.  However bandwidth is not a significant factor for this 
as far as I know.

John B.

On 2013-01-04, at 8:55 PM, Mike Jones <michael.jo...@microsoft.com> wrote:

> The client_update operation in 
> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-dyn-reg-03 does something 
> different than the operation upon which it was based 
> fromhttp://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-registration-1_0-13.html.  
> Specifically, while the OpenID Connect operation replaces all field values, 
> the OAuth operation allows only selective fields to be replaced, designating 
> fields to remain unchanged by specifying their value as the empty string (“”).
> I'm personally not happy with the change to the semantics of client field 
> inclusion.  Updating some but not all fields is a substantially more 
> complicated operation than replacing all fields.  Is there some use case that 
> motivates this?  I don't think it's a substantial burden on the registering 
> party to remember all the field values from the initial registration and then 
> selectively use them for update operations, when needed.  Then the work goes 
> to the (I suspect rare) parties that need partial update - not to every 
> server.  It complicates the simple case, rather than pushing the complexity 
> to the rare case, violating the design principle “make simple things simple 
> and make more complicated things possible”.
> Is anyone opposed to updating the OAuth Registration semantics to match the 
> Connect registration semantics?  Is so, why?
>                                                                 Thanks,
>                                                                 -- Mike
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