We collected a number of action items last week. Here is my list

1. Token Revocation

ACTION: Torsten to publish a draft update this week. 

ACTION: Volunteers to review the draft:
- Amanda 
- Justin
- Tony

2. draft-ietf-oauth-jwt-bearer

ACTION: Justin to review JWT Bearer Token Profiles

3. OAuth Use Cases 

ACTION: Tony to work with Zachary on building out use cases and clarifying the 
audience of the doc.

4. JWT

ACTION: Jeff Hodges, Klaas, and Leif to review the draft.

5. Security


ACTION: working group to provide feedback on the requirements. 

6. Dynamic Client Registration 

ACTION: Hannes to ask UMA folks to review the doc. 
ACTION: Nat, John, Torsten to review the doc. 

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