Hi Derek,

I will give it a try. Where can I find the respective meeting data?


Am 30.07.2012 19:55, schrieb Derek Atkins:
We will have a WebEx available if you can attend remotely?
That's my plan, as I cannot make Vancouver this week.


Torsten Lodderstedt <tors...@lodderstedt.net> writes:

Hi Hannes,

I'm unfortunately had to cancel my trip to IETF-84. Phil will cover the status of the threat model document. But none of the authors of the Revocation Draft will be attending. So I would ask you to postpone the presentation of this I-D
to the next IETF meeting as well.

best regards,

Am 23.07.2012 17:02, schrieb Thomas Hardjono:

    Hannes, Derek,

Would it possible to postpone presentation/discussion of the Dyn-Reg draft (Dynamic Client Registration Protocol) to the Atlanta/November
    IETF meeting?

    The reason is that none of the proposers will be attending the
    Vancouver IETF in-person.




        -----Original Message-----
From: oauth-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org] On


        Of Hannes Tschofenig
        Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2012 1:58 PM
        To: John Bradley
        Cc: oauth@ietf.org WG
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Meeting slot for the Vancouver IETF meeting

        Hi all,

        I have uploaded an agenda for the meeting.

I am assuming that all these items do not require discussion time
        * draft-ietf-oauth-assertions
        * draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer
        * draft-ietf-oauth-urn-sub-ns
        * draft-ietf-oauth-v2
        * draft-ietf-oauth-v2-bearer

Hence, we can focus on the new items. As discussed in the mail below


put a separate slot for discussion of the holder-of-the-key/MAC


security discussion on the agenda. I would suggest that a couple of


meeting during the IETF week to work together on a presentation that provides some concrete suggestions for next steps to the rest of the

I also put the following persons on the spot for the presentations


        working group items:

        - OAuth Dynamic Client Registration Protocol (Thomas)
        - JSON Web Token (JWT) (Mike)
- JSON Web Token (JWT) Bearer Token Profiles for OAuth 2.0 (Mike)
        - Token Revocation (Torsten)
        - SAML 2.0 Bearer Assertion Profiles for OAuth 2.0 (Brian)
        - OAuth Use Cases (Zachary)

Let me know if you want someone else to give the presentation.

As a preparation for the meeting it would be good if you could
        (a) identify the open issues with your document, and
(b) find one or two reviewers to have a look at your document during
        the next two weeks.


        On Jul 15, 2012, at 5:59 PM, John Bradley wrote:

Yes we need to get clearer on the the threats and use cases.

I think Phil Hunt has some though there is likely overlap.

Part of the problem with MAC was people never agreed on the


        it was mitigating.

            I can present something or coordinate with Tony or Phil.

            John B.

            On 2012-07-14, at 9:36 PM, Anthony Nadalin wrote:

How about a few min on proof-of-possession requirements? I can

        present our use cases and requirements

                -----Original Message-----
From: oauth-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org] On

        Behalf Of Mike Jones

                Sent: Friday, July 13, 2012 4:42 PM
                To: Hannes Tschofenig; oauth@ietf.org WG
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Meeting slot for the Vancouver IETF



I'm willing to do 5 minutes on the status of the Core and Bearer


I'm willing to give an update on JWT and the JWT Bearer -


15 minutes. It's probably good that we're a day after the JOSE WG
        meeting, given the JWT dependency upon the JOSE specs.

I'm willing to be part of a discussion on the Assertions draft,


would appreciate doing this with Brian and/or Chuck - I'm guessing


minutes for that as well. (I'm not certain this will be needed, but I'd like to review the recent changes before saying that it's not.)

                Looking forward to seeing many of you in Vancouver!

                                                -- Mike

                -----Original Message-----
From: oauth-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org] On

        Behalf Of Hannes Tschofenig

                Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2012 12:46 AM
                To: oauth@ietf.org WG
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Meeting slot for the Vancouver IETF meeting


                Hi all,

I have requested a 2,5 hour slot for the upcoming meeting.

While the next meeting is still a bit away it is nevertheless


        to hear

                * whether you plan to attend the next meeting, and
                * whether you want to present something.

I could imagine that these documents will be discussed:
                * draft-ietf-oauth-dyn-reg
                * draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token
                * draft-ietf-oauth-jwt-bearer
                * draft-ietf-oauth-revocation
                * draft-ietf-oauth-use-cases

To the draft authors of these docuemnts: Please think about the


issues and drop a mail to the list so that we make some progress
        already before the face-to-face meeting.

I am assume that the following documents do not require any

        discussion time at the upcoming IETF meeting anymore:

                * draft-ietf-oauth-assertions
                * draft-ietf-oauth-saml2-bearer
                * draft-ietf-oauth-urn-sub-ns
                * draft-ietf-oauth-v2
                * draft-ietf-oauth-v2-bearer


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