>>John Bradley wrote:
>>> I suspect that we will need two OAuth bindings. One for TLS and one for 
>>> signed message.
>>I agree. For instance, set “token_type”:”tls_client_cert” when the client has 
>>to use TLS; set “token_type”:”cms” when the client has to digitally sign 
>>messages using Crypto Message Syntax (CMS); ….
> Perhaps JWT/JOSE rather than CMS:)
> Though there will need to be discussions about what part of the message needs 
> to be signed.

I was about to list JOSE as the example, but baulked precisely because of this 
issue. It wasn't obvious how a request to a protected resource would be wrapped 
in a JOSE message. At least with CMS (or WS-*, or XML DSig, or SOAP…) you can 
guess that the request is a POST of a signed blob.

James Manger
OAuth mailing list

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