After looking at the text again, I think you're right Barry. It's a bit confusing as the establishment of the sub-namespace and the registry for it go somewhat hand in hand. But I agree that it's not well baked and I'm in the process of reworking it to try and address your concerns as well as the things Stephen, Mike and Peter have brought up.
The new version will be substantially different (in its from and text but not its intent) from -02 and I would really appreciate another review when I get that published (hopefully soon). Thanks, Brian On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 12:34 PM, Barry Leiba <> wrote: > I'd like to see the new version, since there appear to be a bunch of > changes, but first here are some issues that I don't think have been > brought up yet: > > The URN registration stuff seems very incompletely baked. The title > of 5.1 correctly says it's registering a sub-namespace, but the text > incorrectly says that it's creating a registry. Perhaps IANA will > understand, but I think you need to do this in two parts. The first > part would register the "oauth" sub-namespace, and the second would > create a new registry for the things that go into it. > > Now, as to what goes into it: What is "class"? Is there meant to be a > registry of classes? Is that what section 5.1 is trying to create > (which should be done in a new section 5.2)? What initial values are > registered there? > > Barry _______________________________________________ OAuth mailing list