You're right in that OAuth is optimized for the confidential clients case -- 
specifically, a client being a web server talking to another web server. But 
what you've just described, in a nutshell, is the assertion grant type:

Which has been profile for both SAML and JWT assertions here:

And could be extended to house any number of stronger-auth circumstances and 
formats. I believe Google and Deutch Telekom are making wide use of this today 
(correct me if I'm remembering incorrectly).

But I'll say that for many cases it's still best practice to use the code flow 
and go through a UI for one simple but subtle reason: a browser can take in an 
infinitely diverse set of user credentials and the UI can change at any time 
without making any changes to the native code. Say you've got an OAuth backed 
native app that everyone's using the code flow and a username and password for. 
Great, works, no problem. Then you decide that you're not doing un/pw anymore 
and everyone needs to have a second factor, or do a captcha, or any number of 
other little things when they sign in and use the app. These kinds of things 
are *easy* to add to a web server's login page, but much harder to deal with in 
a native app directly. Challenge response scenarios are *trivial* with a web 
page -- they're practically made for it. And extend this scenario further by 
saying that you'll now let people log into your service using OpenID or another 
distributed identity protocol. All of this is really easy for the web server at 
the AS to handle, and the native app through all of this needs to be none the 
wiser. And this is a Very Good Thing. Plus it also gets your app out of the 
business of ever having to see users credentials directly. Remember: when 
you're doing the Resource Owners Credentials Flow, you're basically doing a 
benevolent man in the middle attack. Sure it works, and it beats logging in 
directly as the user at all times, but only just so.

We actually ran into exactly this kind of thing a few years ago with an app 
here. It went like this:

* Dev team was building a native application to connect to a website that had 
several different auth mechanisms including a username/password authentication 
key (similar to the OAuth2 un/pw flow) and OAuth 1.
* They went with the un/pw setup because they figured it was easier and their 
native app could just ask for the un/pw combination.
* This all worked swimmingly in the dev environment with all the test accounts
* They roll to the integration environment which, like the Production system, 
was protected by OpenID 2.0 and not a username/password. In fact, none of the 
users on the system -- including the developers themselves -- actually had 
anything resembling a local password. Their app was completely at a loss -- the 
users couldn't present anything to the app to log them in directly at all.
* After some head scratching and scrambling, they switched the whole app setup 
to OAuth (again, 1.0a). Now they could use the same exact code in the dev, 
integration, and production environments. And it worked across all user sets, 
regardless of how they got in the front door. *And* it will continue to work 
when we eventually upgrade this same service to use OpenID Connect instead of 
OpenID 2.0 in the future.

Hope this sheds some light on this,
 -- Justin

On Jun 8, 2012, at 6:43 PM, Lewis Adam-CAL022 wrote:


I have a historical question around front channel / back channel (direct) 
communications and Authorization Requests.  Both the code-flow and 
implicit-flow utilize a front channel communication through the UA.  This makes 
sense for the delegated credentials case (e.g. shutterfly accessing photos on 

I’m in the native app / client market, and the RO password credentials flow 
fits really well … expect it’s limited to passwords.  I’ve been well educated 
(by lots of folks on this list) about the “best practices” to enable native 
clients to use the code flow, e.g. registering a custom callback URI and 
register my native app ass the handler for that URI.

But … (and not knowing the history behind all this), it seems that OAuth was 
designed for confidential clients, and was “retro-fitted” to make native apps 
work.  And it just feels a bit like a hack to me (albeit a workable one), the 
whole custom callback URI thing, to get it to work.  The RO password 
credentials seems like a much better fit for native apps, since it has no need 
for the UA and can use back channel / direction communication to talk to the AS 
and obtain and access token.  But that limits me to a password and eliminates 
any chance of strong authentication.

It would seem more straight forward to define a back channel flow such that a 
native client could send off an authorization request with response=token (or 
id_token in the Connect case), respond to a challenge from the AS for 
authentication, and obtain a response containing the access_token / id_token 
and use it for its RESTful API communications with the RS/RP.  This would 
enable strong authentication methods not possible using just RO passwords.

Has anybody else ever expressed interest in such back channel calls between for 
native clients?  Was it previously considered and dropped?

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