What the hell just happened? Even if this is allowed under IETF rules, it is 
clearly against IETF spirit. There is now a published draft with my name as 
sole editor and text I didn't put in there. No one even suggested this is 
something the chairs might do.

After all the work I put into this, this is a huge slap in the face by the 

I hope the fact the Mike Jonea just took over with the blessing on the chairs 
bothers someone else too.


On Jun 8, 2012, at 13:51, "Mike Jones" 
<michael.jo...@microsoft.com<mailto:michael.jo...@microsoft.com>> wrote:

The chairs approved publication of OAuth Core draft -27 today.  This version is 
based upon the proposed changes that I’d circulated to the working group.  
Changes are:

·        Adds character set restrictions for error, error_description, and 
error_uri parameters consistent with the OAuth Bearer spec.

·        Adds “resource access error response” as an error usage location in 
the OAuth Extensions Error Registry.

·        Adds an ABNF for all message elements.

·        Corrects editorial issues identified during review

There are still potential issues with some ABNF definitions that need to be 
discussed by the working group.  I’ll send a separate note about that.  
Nonetheless, the chairs felt that publishing this version would be a step in 
the right direction towards completing the Core and Bearer specifications.

I’ll be publishing an updated Bearer draft shortly that references the changes 
in -27 in ways that should resolve the outstanding DISCUSS issues against 

Thanks to Dick Hart for publishing the draft.

                                                            -- Mike

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