On 2012-06-08 09:56, Mike Jones wrote:
The attached proposed edits to the Core spec update the ABNF to remove
the character set restrictions that working group participants had
objected to, and to define common syntax elements, where appropriate.
After working group review, I believe that these changes are ready to be
checked in for draft 27 after being merged with whatever other changes
Eran has made.

As far as I can tell, you have chosen to restrict everything to US-ASCII. That definitively makes the ABNF and the wire representation simpler, but it does break I18N big time.

And please don't tell me that people do not use non-ASCII characters in credentials (-> <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=41489>).

Focusing on username and password... If this relates to the use in Basic and Digest, it's fine that it has their current limitations; but in that case the ABNF shouldn't invent new productions and claim that they match 2617's when they do not.

If this relates to uses of usernames and passwords outside Basic and Digest (thus new uses), then I believe the proposed solution is not acceptable.

Best regards, Julian
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