Hannes: While I'm clearly honored by your interest in me and my activities, it 
is not my intent to artificially pump up a document on which I am a co-author.  
Everyone on this list knows I am an author on it as we have discussed it 
exhaustively for the past month and a half. I was merely indicating my support 
of the compromised direction being proposed (as we were at a bit of an impasse 
with two documents in call for adoption that were proposing a solution for the 
same problem space). It took a good bit of on-list and off-list discussion for 
the SWD and WF camps to draw a line in the sand and come to an agreement on a 
compromise that was a mutually satisfying starting point that the WG could get 
behind. This proposal was put forth (and supported) separately by Mike Jones (a 
co-author on SWD) and Paul Jones (a co-author on WF). I, as another co-author 
of WF, was voicing my support of the compromise as a starting point. I don't 
believe any of the co-authors involved were at fau
 lt or acted with irregularity.



On May 8, 2012, at 10:55 AM, Hannes Tschofenig wrote:

> Gonzalo: it is great that you, as a co-author, support your own document but 
> I don't think it is particular helpful. 
> On May 4, 2012, at 10:49 PM, Gonzalo Salgueiro (gsalguei) wrote:
>> I support this doc being adopted as starting point for WG discussion.
>> Regards,
>> Gonzalo
>> On May 4, 2012, at 3:03 PM, "Murray S. Kucherawy" <m...@cloudmark.com> wrote:
>>> The above-named draft has been offered as the recommended path forward in 
>>> terms of converging on a single document to advance through appsawg.  The 
>>> conversation I saw this week in that regard has seemed mostly positive.
>>> Please review it, or at least the diff, and indicate your support or 
>>> objection on apps-disc...@ietf.org to adopting this one as the common path 
>>> forward. We would like to make a decision about which one to begin 
>>> advancing in the next week or two.
>>> Have a good weekend!
>>> -MSK, APPSAWG co-chair
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