[I accidentally sent just to Barry my take on his addition which I think is fine except for one thing addition...]
Barry Leiba wrote:
You sent it just to me. I think it's a reasonable addition, so please send it to the distribution (which at the moment does not include the OAuth list, just the <draft-ietf-oauth-v2-threatmodel....@tools.ietf.org> alias), and suggest specific text to add. I presume it would go in an new bullet just before the last.
The thing I think is missing here is that the Authorization Server has a stake in mitigating threats, and actually has a quite potent one: it can be selective with whom it enrolls, and can revoke bad actors. So let me try a bullet: o While end users are mostly incapable of properly vetting applications they load onto their devices, those who deploy Authorization Servers have tools at their disposal to mitigate malicious Clients. Namely, in order to become a threat at all, a Client must first become a Client. A well run Authorization Server MAY require a curation process when enrolling Clients, and SHOULD have processes to revoke bad actors after enrollment. Mike _______________________________________________ OAuth mailing list OAuth@ietf.org https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/oauth