Scope having actual meaning to the client (you usage of 'offline' is what I'm 
looking at) is something you can define but is not something currently in the 

I think it's a simpler picture than you are painting:

1)    You might get a hint with the expires_in value for when the token will 
expire.  The client can refresh based on that.
2)    If you get an access token failure, then if you have a refresh token you 
try to get a new access token.
3)    If your refresh token fails (not authorized) to get you a new access 
token, then you have to re-authenticate.  

HTTP temporary failures and such get retried.

Clients basically have to support that logic flow.

> From: Andreas Åkre Solberg <>
>Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 1:29 AM
>Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Best-Practice for dealing with OAuth 2.0 Token expiration 
>at the Consumer
>Please give me feedback if I got anything wrong, or if you have comments.
>Kind regards,
>Andreas Åkre Solberg
>OAuth mailing list
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