Yeah, we encountered this problem doing a binding between FB and other
accounts. We found that FB actually used a valid browser cookie rather than
serving back the needed auth page we wanted for the user. We had to work
around this by calling their un-CSRF protected sign-out link first.
It's a very real, very bad problem.
> From: John Bradley <>
>To: Stephen Farrell <>
>Cc: "" <>
>Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 7:57 AM
>Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] web sso study...
>I posted to my blog about a significant implementation flaw made by people
>using Facebook's OAuth 2 implementation.
>I understand that Facebook is fixing it in there own code, but many clients
>are exploitable.
>For those interested.
>The flaw is not in the spec but in implementations.
>John B.
>On 2012-04-17, at 4:45 PM, Stephen Farrell wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> A recent news article [1] was brought to my attention this week
>> that's about a paper [2] which I've just read. While it mostly
>> deals with implementation and integration flaws, I'm wondering
>> if there's anything in there that could benefit any of the
>> oauth drafts. Anyone had a look at that already?
>> Be interesting if any similar analysis has been done on any
>> oauth 1.0 or 2.0 sites or implementations.
>> Ta,
>> S.
>> [1]
>> [2]
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