If the Authorization server, doesn't understand the response_type and has no 
other way to determine what sort of flow the client is expecting, I don't see 
any choice other than returning a error to the user/browser.

In the case of an unknown response_type the client could also be expecting 
postMessage, or making a direct connection.  You just don't know.

There may be cases that the Authorization server could infer how to reply based 
on the client_id, if the client perhaps doesn't have a client secret issued to 
it, you could guess that it is using a fragment encoded flow.

I however don't know that guessing is a good practice.   Probably best to 
always return an error response without a redirect.

John B.
On 2012-02-21, at 8:34 AM, matake@gmail wrote:

> So the answer is "Show the error to the user without redirecting back to the 
> client", right?
> I'm now developing OAuth2 and OpenID Connect ruby library, and both of them 
> return errors
> case 1. redirect with error in query if response_type is "code" but it's not 
> supported
> case 2. redirect with error in fragment if response_type is "token code", 
> "token id_token", "token code id_token" or "code id_token" but it's not 
> supported
> case 3. otherwise show error to the user without redirect since server cannot 
> understand the response_type at all
> But other server might not understand some of response_types listed in case 2 
> at all and choose case 3 in such case.
> (ie. OAuth servers which don't understand OpenID Connect won't understand 
> "id_token")
> So I'm afraid that it reduces interoperability, a bit.
> On 2012/02/21, at 13:22, William Mills wrote:
>> I does allow some parts of your server config to be discovered.  More of a 
>> problem in error responses is usually echoing back the user data, or 
>> allowing user enumeration for example.  Care is required, but you don't have 
>> a ton of options here.
>> From: Igor Faynberg <igor.faynb...@alcatel-lucent.com>
>> To: oauth@ietf.org 
>> Sent: Monday, February 20, 2012 9:37 AM
>> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Quick question about error response for 
>> "response_type=unknown"
>> Could there be a potential security hole in providing an error response?  
>> (Not that I see it, but many problems in the past had been caused by helpful 
>> responese.)
>> Igor
>> On 2/20/2012 11:57 AM, William Mills wrote:
>>> Respond with an error in protocol.  Thta won't include a redirect, and the 
>>> client has to know what to do.
>>> From: nov matake <n...@matake.jp>
>>> To: oauth WG <oauth@ietf.org> 
>>> Sent: Monday, February 20, 2012 6:11 AM
>>> Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Quick question about error response for 
>>> "response_type=unknown"
>>> Hi OAuthers,
>>> My apologies if you already discussed this.
>>> When OAuth server received unknown response_type, how should the server 
>>> handle the error?
>>> 1. Show the error to the user without redirecting back to the client
>>> 2. Redirect back to the client including the error in query
>>> 3. Redirect back to the client including the error in fragment
>>> Since choosing 2 or 3 is impossible in this case, 1 seems reasonable for me.
>>> --
>>> nov
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