Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
> * Mike Jones wrote:
> >Thanks for asking, Martin.  That's effectively what the spec does
> >already.  It restricts the input values of these parameters to be quoted
>                   the HTTP specification does not give you an interface
> that allows you to tell `x` and `"x"` apart in this particular case. If
> the draft said "When using WWW-Authenticate: Bearer ... then the header
> name must be written `wWw-authenTICate`, same problem. HTTP says case
> does not matter, and if another specification says "Yes, it does" then
> it is overriding the underlying specification, to some degree anyway.

Of course, what oaep-bearer could _not_ "define to not exist"
(no matter how much anyone (group) might desire this), is those
transformations, and their complexity, that are permitted on HTTP
that headerfield, e.g. through "middle-boxes", such as client-side
HTTP proxies or server-side reverse-proxies between the original
creator and the final consumer, as well as permitted side-effects
of other application components sharing the same client (like a browser).

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