On 2012-01-23 18:39, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
On 1/23/12 10:11 AM, Mike Jones wrote:
FYI, the OAuth Core and Bearer specifications have reached IETF last
call status - the last step before becoming RFCs.  See the following
notes from the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG).

Well, "last step" might be a bit optimistic. :)

For those who aren't familiar with the process, the next steps are:

1. IETF Last Call, which lasts two weeks. This is essentially your last
opportunity to provide feedback!

2. During IETF Last Call, the documents will be reviewed by several
cross-area teams within the IETF, including folks like the "GEN-ART"
review team and the AppsDir. We'll expect at least some feedback from
those teams. And at this stage anyone in the Internet community can
provide feedback, too.

3. After IETF Last Call, this WG's document editors will work to address
any feedback we've received.

4. The documents will then be scheduled for disussion during an IESG
telechat. Before the telechat, all the members of the Internet
Engineering Steering Group will review the specs and also provide
feedback. If there are "DISCUSSES" and "COMMENTS" lodged then the
document editors will need to address those (often in concert with the
WG chairs). If some of those issues are substantive, the editors and
chairs might bring those issues back to the WG for more discussion.

5. Assuming the documents are approved by the IESG, they will then be
handed off to the RFC Editor team for final copy editing, proofreading,
reference checking, etc.

6. ...and then will have to wait until all normatively referenced drafts are ready, too.

Best regards, Julian
OAuth mailing list

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