Terminology correction:  This discussion was actually about HTTP authentication 
schemes (Bearer, MAC, etc.), not token types (JWT, SAML, etc.).  I've changed 
the subject line of the thread accordingly.

                                -- Mike

-----Original Message-----
From: oauth-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Barry 
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2011 12:29 AM
To: oauth WG
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Mandatory-to-implement token type

Stephen, as AD, brought up the question of mandatory-to-implement token types, 
in the IETF 82 meeting.  There was some extended discussion on the point:

- Stephen is firm in his belief that it's necessary for interoperability.  He 
notes that mandatory to *implement* is not the same as mandatory to *use*.
- Several participants believe that without a mechanism for requesting or 
negotiating a token type, there is no value in having any type be mandatory to 

Stephen is happy to continue the discussion on the list, and make his point 
clear.  In any case, there was clear consensus in the room that we *should* 
specify a mandatory-to-implement type, and that that type be bearer tokens.  
This would be specified in the base document, and would make a normative 
reference from the base doc to the bearer token doc.

We need to confirm that consensus on the mailing list, so this starts the 
discussion.  Let's work on resolving this over the next week or so, and moving 

1. Should we specify some token type as mandatory to implement?  Why or why not 

2. If we do specify one, which token type should it be?

Barry, as chair
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