Certainly not everyone needs to pay attention to everything. We are, however, 
trying to determine whether there is a critical mass of interested persons for 
a given item in terms of reviews, document authors, implementers, and 

I do not see a problem at all with working on JWT within the OAuth working 
group. I thought that we had already decided in the past that the JSON 
signature & encryption work would go into JOES (earlier WOES) and the home for 
JWT is the OAuth working group. The area directors may have a different opinion 
but for the moment this is my working assumption. 


On Oct 20, 2011, at 9:30 AM, Richer, Justin P. wrote:

> I think it will be true that the whole working group won't be focusing on all 
> documents at the same time, much in the same way that different subsets of 
> our current WG have focused on things like the security document or SAML 
> bindings. In this fashion, I believe we'll be able to pull expertise from 
> different sectors to produce a family of documents that live in an ecosystem 
> around OAuth. 
> For many of these documents, even though they're not directly OAuth pieces 
> (like JWT), but where else should they live? This may not be The Way That 
> IETF Does It (I'm honestly not sure), but in my opinion, as long as each 
> document has a dedicated editor and at least some interaction/support with 
> the group we can handle many of these smaller items.
> -- Justin
> ________________________________________
> From: oauth-boun...@ietf.org [oauth-boun...@ietf.org] on behalf of Barry 
> Leiba [barryle...@computer.org]
> Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 12:05 PM
> To: OAuth WG
> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Rechartering
>> do we have the band width to work on all these items, as some are
>> big and some are fairly small and contained. May have to have some
>> prioritized list of where people think these fit.
> Yes, exactly.  And one of the things we'd like to hear from all of you
> is what your priorities are... how you would prioritize the list.
> Barry, chair-like object
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