Scope has to be defined in the core OAuth spec.  I think it's a mistake to talk 
about it in regard to the Bearer token spec specifically.

I think removing the auth-param usage is workable.  Then if we need 
extensibility defining a new scheme can do that.  It's a bit more work that way 
if needed, but it's clean.


From: Mike Jones <>
To: Hannes Tschofenig <>; OAuth WG <>
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 8:42 AM
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] draft-ietf-oauth-v2-bearer-09: Open Issues & Proposed 

Thanks for the useful discussion and the write-up, Hannes.  For context, Hannes 
and I discussed how to resolve the remaining Bearer spec issues in a manner 
that meets the needs of implementations and will not generate objections during 
the IESG or IETF Last Call reviews.  A few additional comments…
1.  Error Description – Nothing to add to Hannes’ write-up.
2.  Scope – I was planning to allow a broader set of ASCII characters than the 
“token” set, as these characters are inadequate for the use of URIs/URLs as 
scope elements.  In particular, scope elements need to permit the full sets of 
“reserved” and “unreserved” characters in RFC 3986.  The draft I am working on 
will say that scope is a space separated set of elements, where the elements 
consist of one or more characters from the union of the “reserved” and 
“unreserved” sets.
3.  Authorization Request Header Field – We agreed on the call that we’re not 
doing implementers any favors by allowing both the b64token and #auth-param 
syntaxes, and that it is better to specify one or the other.  Since existing 
practice corresponds to the b4token syntax, the choice is clear which to 
specify.  Thus, it was a mistake to introduce the #auth-param choice in draft 
9.  It will be removed in draft 10, which is shortly forthcoming.
                                                            -- Mike
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Hannes Tschofenig
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 5:25 AM
To: OAuth WG
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] draft-ietf-oauth-v2-bearer-09: Open Issues & Proposed 
Hi all, 
I had a discussion with Mike and Julian to hear what to discuss the open issues 
with the OAuth Bearer Token draft. Below is a short writeup of my impressions. 
1. Error Description
The error description field provides information to the software developer and 
is not meant to be shown to the end user. As such, there is no desire to 
provide internationalization support for this field. Hence, it has a similar 
characteristic as the HTTP 'Reason-Phrase.
The Reason Phrase exists for the sole purpose of providing a textual 
description associated with the numeric status code, out of deference to 
earlier Internet application protocols that were more frequently used with 
interactive text clients. A client SHOULD ignore the content of the Reason 
Reason-Phrase  = *( HTAB / SP / VCHAR / obs-text ) "
We can use something similar for the error description field and even simplify 
it further by omitting HTAB and obs-text:
  error-desc      = "error_description" "=" *( SP / VCHAR )
2. Scope
The scope field is yet another item that will not be shown to the user and it 
serves the purpose of an identifier for authorization comparison. So, we don't 
need to have any internationalization support here either. 
The suggestion is to re-use the 'token ABNF syntax from the HTTP spec:
3. Authorization Request Header Field
Finally, there is the authorization request header field where we have to 
decide how we want to deal with extensions. 
The current specification says: 
  credentials = "Bearer" 1*SP ( b64token / #auth-param )
This means that we can have either a base64 opaque blob or a parameter like 
syntax (but not both). 
An example of the b64token is 
Authorization: Bearer vF9dft4qmT
and an example of the auth-param usage is
Authorization: Bearer t=vF9dft4qmT
With an opaque blob extensibility is limited and for this reason, I guess, Mike 
had provided the additional option of auth-parameter. 
If we want to allow extensibility then we have to go for the auth-param 
approach. If we only use the auth-param (without the b64token) then there may 
be an issue with already existing implementations. We will have to 
Then, there is the possibility to provide two ways to encode the same 
information, namely either as a base64 blob and in the auth-parameter style. 
(In a single protocol run one would obviously only use one or the other.)
If we define the auth-param then we have to also provide information on what it 
actually is. We cannot leave that out of scope. 
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