Chairs - please open an issue for this: "Clarifying reference to refresh tokens 
in section 1.4.3 of -20".

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lodderstedt, Torsten []
> Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 1:01 AM
> To: Eran Hammer-Lahav;
> Subject: AW: [OAUTH-WG] Partial set of last call comments on OAuth draft 20
> from Yaron Goland
> >> 1.4.3.  Resource Owner Password Credentials: Comment on "(when
> >> combined with a refresh token)": "This is the first time that refresh
> >> tokens are mentioned in the spec. And yet there is no explanation of
> what they are.
> >> I suspect they should anyway be introduced in section 1.4.1 (as
> >> previously
> >> noted) and then their use here will make sense.  If that isn't
> >> possible then it would be good to have a forward reference to section
> >> 1.5 below so the reader has some idea of what's going on."
> >I removed '(when combined with a refresh token)'. This is actually not true
> as there is no assumption that >access tokens are always short-lived or that
> refresh tokens will always be issued to native applications using >this grant
> type.
> -1 against removing this text (w/o an suitable replacement) and w/o group
> consent.

Since you felt it necessary to make this a process issue, I've asked the chairs 
to open a ticket.

> The -20 text clearly points out that this combination "... eliminates the need
> for the client to store the resource owner credentials for future use". The
> resource owner grant type alone does not justify this statement.
> It's true that the spec does not explicitly defines the lifetime assumption 
> for
> access and refresh tokens (which is pity in my opinion). So at least add
> something like "if the token lifetime is reasonable long enough".

How about:

   This grant type can eliminates the need for the client to store the resource 
   credentials for future use, by exchanging the credentials with a long-lived 
   token or refresh token.

As for Yaron's original comment, I think this text is sufficient and no forward 
reference is needed to 1.5 (which is a few lines lower in the same page). Also, 
with the new organization proposed by Justin, the access token term isn't full 
defined yet either and it reads just fine.


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