Thanks for the feedback.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of Justin Richer
> Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 2:07 PM

> 1.2/1.4: The term "authorization grant" remains confusing and the
> introduction is riddled with jargon like "intermediate credential". With the
> diagram in 1.2, it appears to be an explicit technological underpinning of the
> protocol flow instead of a general conceptual construct that is used in 
> several
> different ways. Basically, what "authorization grant" *means* is not obvious
> within this document.
> Section 4 makes much more sense than the introduction text does here.
> Perhaps we should just replace most of 1.4 with just the introductory text to
> 4 (perhaps slightly expanded), and then a reference to the sub-parts of
> section 4 for the meat of the concept (and in the process, nix the subsections
> of 1.4 entirely).
> 1.2(B): "Provided" is wrong here (it implies a direct hand-over), and the last
> sentence is awkward. Suggest reword to:
>         The client receives an authorization grant which represents the
>         authorization granted by the resource owner.  The type of
>       authorization grant is dependent on which methods are supported
>       by both the client and authorization server.

Change (B) in 1.2 to:

              The client receives an authorization grant which is a credential 
              the resource owner's authorization, expressed using one of four 
grant types defined
              in this specification or using an extension grant type. The 
authorization grant type
              depends on the method used by the client to request authorization 
and the types
              supported by the authorization server.

And changed 1.4 to:

          An authorization grant is a credential representing the resource 
owner's authorization
          (to access its protected resources) used by the client to obtain an 
access token. This
          specification defines four grant types: authorization code, implicit, 
resource owner
          password credentials, and client credentials, as well as an 
extensibility mechanism for
          defining additional types.

> 1.3/1.4/1.5: Consider switching order to Authorization Grant, Access Token,
> Refresh Token

Not sure. What do others think? I put access token first because it is a more 
important term to get out of the way.

> 1.4.1: We probably want to mention a user agent here in the exposure risk at
> the end. Since that's really the problem -- the browser could steal the token,
> not the end user.

Proposed text?

> 1.4.2: Still don't like the term "implicit". It's misleading. Even "direct
> authorization" would be better, though still not ideal.

It's the best we've got. "Direct authorization" is not a grant type, but a flow 

> 1.4.5: Throw a simple reference to 8.3 here?

No forward references whenever possible.

> 2: Isn't "means" generally treated as singular in instances like this?
> Thus "means ... is" instead of "means ... are".

Don't know.

> 2.1/2.2: The requirements (2.2) should go first in section 2. The client types
> are part of deciding the requirements, and the concepts flow better this way.

You need to first define client types before you can require it.

> 2.1: I like the calling out of the types of clients, it helps cement things.
> 2.3: Suggest renaming to "Client Identification" to parallel "Client
> Authentication" in 2.4

It's not about identification.
> 2.3: Should "... cannot be used alone" be made into a normative, as "...
> MUST NOT be used alone"?

I'm ok with that. Anyone else?

> 2.4.2: Want to mention the MAC binding as an example here? This would
> parallel the OAuth2 method of signing the fetch for a request token more
> directly.


> 3. Authorization endpoint's "used to obtain authorization from" should be
> "used to obtain an authorization grant from", to be parallel with the token
> endpoint description.



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