Hi all, 

it is time to think about the agenda for the IETF#81 meeting in Quebec City.

Since we are planning to complete the current working group documents our focus 
will be on the working group items. 

Please sent me a mail off-list whether you are able to present your document. 

Here is a strawman agenda proposal: 


1) Agenda Bashing, and WG Status

2) The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol

Eran is going to submit a version -17 in time for the submission deadline. 
We plan to start a WGLC after the submission deadline (with a longer review 
period due to the IETF meeting).

3) The OAuth 2.0 Protocol: Bearer Tokens

4) HTTP Authentication: MAC Access Authentication

5) Assertions

6) OAuth 2.0 Threat Model and Security Considerations

7) Conclusion & Next Steps 

We are also open to discuss other items during our working group meeting, if 
time permits. 


To make use of the IETF week I would encourage everyone to read through these 
documents carefully. 

Hannes, Barry, Blaine

OAuth mailing list

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