I agree with the statement. Authorization server provides information about a 
client to a user based on the client's identifier, which client has presented 
to the server. If authorization server cannot validate the client's identity 
claim, it must make the user aware.

From: oauth-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of 
Lodderstedt, Torsten
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2011 4:38 AM
To: Eran Hammer-Lahav; Torsten Lodderstedt; Brian Eaton
Cc: OAuth WG
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] review of draft-ietf-oauth-v2-16

The ability to describe a client to the user does not depend on the 
authentication but on the identification of the client and the meta data 
available to the authz server. The only difference between identified and 
authenticated clients is the trust level the authz server has regarding the 
client's identity. It must clearly indicate this fact to the end-user.


Von: Eran Hammer-Lahav [mailto:e...@hueniverse.com]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 15. Juni 2011 21:20
An: Torsten Lodderstedt; Brian Eaton
Cc: OAuth WG
Betreff: Re: [OAUTH-WG] review of draft-ietf-oauth-v2-16

I agree to the extent that the user can be trusted to know how they got to the 
authorization endpoint.

If the client cannot be authenticated, the authorization server is limited in 
the information it can offer the user to make the decision. It is extremely 
hard to come up with language that will tell the user to only approve the 
application, claiming to be X, if they got here from X directly. There might be 
ways to improve security a bit using Origin header etc. but overall, if the 
client is not authenticated, the authorization server can't really describe it 
to the user.


From: oauth-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of 
Torsten Lodderstedt
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2011 2:10 AM
To: Brian Eaton
Cc: OAuth WG
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] review of draft-ietf-oauth-v2-16

I fully agree with Brian and would like to add some thoughts:

Not authenticating the client does not directly create a security problem at 
all. If we would follow this line, every e-Mail client out there would be 
considered insecure because the client itself is never authenticated. Not even 
Kerbereos has a concept of client authentication.

In my opinion, OAuth client authentication (in delegated authorization 
scenarios) is an improvement over classical approaches. But I do not see a 
degration in security if it is not applicable. As long as the _user_ authorizes 
the client's access (and the duration of the token) and is able to revoke the 
tokens at any time, the situation is much better than with classical approaches.


Am 01.06.2011 21:06, schrieb Brian Eaton:
Hey Peter -

I haven't read all of your comments yet, but I wanted to clarify one point 
about client impersonation and installed apps.  The cuirrent text is 
unrealistic, but your request would push it the wrong way.  CC'ing Torsten as 

  The authorization server SHOULD issue access tokens with limited
  scope and duration to clients incapable of authenticating.

  If the authorization server issues access tokens to clients
  that are incapable of authenticating, the scope and duration of
  such tokens SHOULD be limited.

RATIONALE: We're not actively RECOMMENDING authorization servers are to
issue such tokens, are we?

We are most definitely recommending that clients that have no way of 
authenticating are issued long-lived credentials to access user data.

Most installed applications work as follows:
- they ask the user for their password
- they save the password to disk

That's a horrible security problem, because it means you cannot upgrade user 
authentication to anything stronger than a password.  Client certificates, one 
time passwords, risk based authentication, throw it all out the window.  If 
you're going to let installed apps authenticate with just a password, nothing 
else you do to improve authentication is going to help.

This is a blocking issue for rolling out stronger forms of user authentication, 
and it's one of the main reasons I care about OAuth2.

Think IMAP and XMPP clients running on Windows desktops.  They are important, 
and we need a way to migrate them off of saving passwords.

So the current text basically says that you should issue temporary credentials 
to native apps.  That's not practical.  Native apps end up needing permanent or 
near-permanent credentials.  Expirations need to be measured in months.  And 
the credentials are going to be issued to stock IMAP and XMPP clients that 
don't have any way of authenticating themselves.

The advantage with OAuth2 over passwords is that
a) the refresh tokens are unguessable.
b) the refresh tokens aren't sent directly to the IMAP and XMPP servers, they 
are restricted to authorization servers.
c) if you've got a managed machine (think Kerberos logins), you can create 
flows that bridge from those managed credentials to temporary access 

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