How does it make recovery easier? Why is revoking refresh token any harder than 
changing client secret?

As for the assertion grant type, where is the specified that the refresh token 
is bound to the private keys used to produce the assertion used to obtain the 
refresh token in the first place?


From: Brian Eaton []
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 5:33 PM
To: Eran Hammer-Lahav
Cc: Brian Campbell; OAuth WG
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Client authentication requirement

On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 5:27 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav 
<<>> wrote:
So basically, it is authentication on top of bearer credentials to achieve 
another level of security. Are we just assuming that stealing the refresh token 
will be harder than stealing the client credentials? Seems a bit optimistic.

Both client secret and refresh token are sent in plain text over TLS during the 
same client-server interaction. If there is a problem with TLS, both secrets 
are exposed. The client is more likely to store its client secret in source 
code or local storage because it rarely changes, as opposed to storing the 
refresh token in some other cache or database. I can't figure out which one 
will be harder to steal.

What attack vector is requiring client authentication when using the refresh 
token protects against?

Requiring client authentication doesn't defend against attacks directly; it 
makes recovery after a successful attack easier.

If you use the assertion profiles for OAuth2, then it also binds the refresh 
token to private keys that are much easier to store securely than client 
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