These problems all seem sovled with the new definition of age to not
be necessarily related to time.


On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 12:07 AM, Manger, James H
<> wrote:
> The MAC scheme’s cookie mode [draft-ietf-oauth-v2-http-mac-00, section 6]
> says the cookie’s creation-time is used to determine the age that goes in
> the nonce in a request. The creation-time is the time the client receives
> the Set-Cookie response – unless the client already has a cookie with the
> same name, domain, and path, in which case the creation-time of the existing
> cookie is kept [rfc6265 HTTP state management mechanism, section 5.3, step
> 11.3].
> Is this going to cause complications in practice?
> A server will need to know if a client has an existing cookie before issuing
> a new one. That should be possible as the old cookie will be included in the
> request whose response contains the Set-Cookie header for the new cookie.
> There are some corner cases, such as an old cookie that expires after being
> sent to the server, but before the new cookie is returned. Perhaps they are
> rare enough to ignore.
> If a server crashes then reboots (loosing in-memory details about old
> cookies) it cannot just issue new cookies. First it needs to issue an
> expired cookie to clear the client’s cookie store (deleting the old cookie
> that has a creation-time that the server no longer knows), then issue a new
> cookie with a known creation-time. That sounds painful (ie will not be
> implemented initially, but will eventually cause a nasty outage).
> It might encourage people to tack the creation-time into the cookie-value.
> Do that without integrity protection, however, and you are open to replay
> attacks.
> --
> James Manger
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