[Trimming the CC to just the OAuth WG.]

On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 8:53 PM, Robert Sayre <say...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 10:32 AM, Eran Hammer-Lahav <e...@hueniverse.com> 
> wrote:
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Tim [mailto:tim-proje...@sentinelchicken.org]
>>> Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2011 8:32 AM
>>> At risk of repeating myself: Why not just adapt HTTP Digest for OAuth?
>>> That is not just rhetorical, it is a genuine question.  What is HTTP Digest
>>> missing that you need?
> Digest has a bunch of problems. See this document
> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-security-properties-05#section-2.2.2
> for a short tour of them.
>> The latest version of this draft:
>> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-http-mac-00
>> Includes a Design Constraints section which tries to explain this:
>>   Unlike the HTTP Digest authentication scheme, this mechanism does not
>>   require interacting with the server to prevent replay attacks.
>>   Instead, the client provides both a nonce and a timestamp, which the
>>   server can use to prevent replay attacks using a bounded amount of
>>   storage.
> It's not obvious to me why the mechanism in the draft is better than a
> server-generated nonce and/or opaque string, as found in Digest.

Maybe I'm not completely clear how a mechanism with a server-supplied
nonce would work.  How do you avoid having to make a round-trip to the
server for every request?

> The mechanism in the draft can be bitten by clock skew problems, and
> having the server send a nonce doesn't necessarily require an
> unbounded amount of storage. I'm sorry if I've missed previous
> discussion on this issue, but could someone explain?

I think we've handled most of the clock skew problems by using
relative time rather than absolute time.  I'd certainly consider a
mechanism with a server-supplied nonce if you have one in mind.

>>   Also unlike Digest, this mechanism is not intended to
>>   protect the user's password itself because the client and server both
>>   have access to the key material in the clear.  Instead, servers
>>   should issue a short-lived derivative credential for this mechanism
>>   during the initial TLS setup phase.
> That makes sense. I'm having trouble reconciling the Design
> Constraints section (1.1) with the section on Entropy of MAC Keys
> (7.5). How long are these keys supposed to be around in practice?

I'd recommend using a MAC key of roughly the same length as the block
size of the MAC.  For example, for hmac-sha-1, I'd use 20 bytes.

> Also, Adam wrote "this mechanism is for folks who cannot or will not
> deploy TLS". How does that statement fit here?

Often the issues surrounding deploying TLS revolve around third-party
integrations, such as advertisements.  This mechanism side-steps those
issues, albeit providing less security than TLS.

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