On 6/2/11 8:38 PM, Brian Eaton wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 7:13 PM, Peter Saint-Andre <stpe...@stpeter.im
> <mailto:stpe...@stpeter.im>> wrote:
>     I'm not thinking about your use case, but things like enterprise
>     deployments in high-security environments where every person and every
>     software application has a certificate or is otherwise provisioned for
>     authentication with the authorization server.
> I actually care quite a bit about that use case. =)

I'm happy to hear it. There are so many interesting use cases in the
world, aren't there? ;-)

>     However, I'm not saying we should change or add any text to the spec,
>     because the SHOULD allows such deployments to not issue tokens to
>     clients that are incapable of authenticating. So I don't particularly
>     see a reason to keep discussing the matter.
> OK, I understand the confusion now.
> I'm going to continue to push for the security considerations to be
> broken up more cleanly by use case, in part to avoid confusion like this.

Probably a good idea.


Peter Saint-Andre

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