The group is operating under the assumption that most native apps are publicly 
deployed or that copies of the app bundle/binary can at least be obtained by a 
malicious party. Whether and open system or a high protected system like 
Playstation 3 its always possible for the attacker to disassemble the program 
and obtain the secret. The secret is the key to an app proving its identity, so 
as soon as an attacker obtains the secret it can forge the identity of an app 
in so far as the OAuth auth server is concerned.

On Jun 1, 2011, at 7:17 PM, Dave Nelson wrote:

>>  Most native apps will be forgeable ...
> I don't understand the rationale behind this assertion.  Would you
> please point me to the discussion that elaborates on this point.
> Thanks!
> Regards,
> Dave
> David B. Nelson
> Sr. Software Architect
> Elbrys Networks, Inc.
> +1.603.570.2636

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