On 5/24/11 11:31 AM, Brian Campbell wrote:
> I noticed yesterday, in -16, that the first time that client_id is
> mentioned is in a parenthetical in the second paragraph of section 3.1
> which is a little awkward.  The client_id parameter then shows up
> inside two examples before being listed as a required parameter in
> section 4.1.1, 4.1.3, 4.2.1 and others with a reference back to a
> description in section 3.
>    client_id
>          REQUIRED.  The client identifier as described in Section 3.
> This feels a little circular to me, however, because section 3 never
> really formally defines what client_id is.
> Also, based on conversations on this list, I think I understand the
> intent about how client_id should be handled for unauthenticated
> clients (a value for client_id is always required for the
> endpoints/grants listed in the core spec while client_secret, basic
> auth or other means of authentication is optional) but I'm not sure
> that is fully communicated in the text of -16.

Good point, Brian.

I'm reviewing -16 too, and I noticed that we don't say what characters
(Unicode code points) are allowed in the client_id parameter, how long
it can be, how to perform comparison for authentication purposes, etc.


Peter Saint-Andre

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